Is it a Dream

After checking the map, Zander is able to tell where they need to go next. He puts away the map and walks out of the booth.

He motions for the girls to follow him.

After walking around the perimeter to the other side of the installation, they come up to a big metal door with a keycard reader. Looking closer at the door Zander can see claw marks all across the door. Using his [Inspection] skill he's not able to get any information on what made these marks. He only knows that it's not man made. Walking next to the keycard reader it BEEPS and a loud CLICK is heard.

The doors open slowly and stop at the width of two humans. A light flickers on and off rapidly before staying on. Zander and the girls walk through the open doors and they close behind them with a loud THUD. The girls all jump from the noise while Zander just stands there not moving. Jessee bumps into Zander's back and jumps.