Lower Still

Tosh through tears and a muffled voice, "Di…did I ki… kill… that thing"?

"No, Tiffany stabbed it to death for you". He pats her head. She calms down enough and regains her composure. Then stands up.

Jessee walks over to the other side of the room and notices that a door is missing with only its hinges still on the frame.

Zander hands Tosh and Tiffany each a Keycard to Whiskey Mike Installation before walking over to Jessee. He hands her the last Keycard from the feral humans. "Well this answers your question as to how we are going to get ahold of them." He smiles as he slides it in her hands. He then takes her hand and kisses her on the lips before walking through the door. Jessee looks after Zander still stunned for a few seconds before following after.

Tosh and Tiffany bring up the rear with Tiffany leaning on Tosh for support as the adrenaline rush has left her body weaker then before.