Fuck it's Bloody Cold!

As they appear from the ring, Zander does the splits and goes sliding into the wall.

Tosh lands face first and slides into a crate after spinning in a complete circle.

Jesse's foot goes up into the air and she lands on her back with a THUD. "FUCK".

Zander takes a moment to catch his bearings. He is looking up at a big 13 on the wall yet it's slightly frozen over. He takes his hand and rubs it across the frost which falls off into his hands. He SNIFFS it, and then he licks it.

[Permafrost. Not the best option for water dumbass]

A blood curdling SCREAM is heard again, this time much longer and causes a shiver to run down all their spins.

"W.. What the... H.. He.. Hell was... THAT?" Tosh asks in an extremely shaky voice.

"Fuck it's Bloody fucken cold in here. All we need now is the campfire and some smores. Mmmmm, what I wouldn't give for those right about now." Zanders mouth starts to water just at the thought.