It's only a KAREN.

Zander grabs Jessee and holds her close, seeing the badass bow in her hands, he [Inspect].

[Golden Unicorn Bow]

(Elite Class Weapon: Golden Green in color. Body of the Bow: Bow String: Unicorn Hair, Bloodheart Strings, and Laser. Frame: Saber Tooth Tigar Fang and Dragon Claw combination. The frame can be broken down into two pieces and used as swords. The bow string will dissappear upon brakedown and reappear upon being put back together. Ammo: Infinite once attuned to owner without the need to have a physical arrow. Fire Rate: Depends on the persons skill level and class. Damage: Can be either Ice, lightning, or radiant)

Jessee all weak like looks up into Zander eyes. "FUCK that bitch. I got her badass bow and it's now mine. I feel all weak though. Hold me close babe." She snuggles her head into his chest.

"That was easier then fighting a KAREN. Them bitches are so fuckin self entitled." Zander runs his hands through Jessee's hair.