Terrible Furbies

They appear on level 20.

It's dark and cool. So dark that Zander can see just fine but Jessee is having a hard time seeing. He walks up to the wall were he's able to see what looks like vains of ore just like in all of the RPG games he spent countless hours of his life on. He places his hand on the vain.

"well I be a monkeys uncle. Real ore vains. If only we had a way to mine this we could be rich babe." Looks over at Jessee.

Jessee puts her hand on the Ore vain and feels its rough texture. "What an awesomely wierd feel. How does one get rich off this?" She continues to feel the Ore.

"You see babe, we mine this vain and any others we find along the way. Once we get out of this instalation, we sell it for massive amounts of money."