It's So Beautiful

As the doors shut on them, magical lights illuminate the hallway. Many different animals can be seen on the walls and not a single rug is found on the floor.

Old military lasers are also on display along with old suits of armor. Not a single photo is displayed though which Searra finds odd and asks the man. 

"Ah, yes. That's because we lost the technical knowledge of that when the old god died. We still know how to make laser rifles and what not, but, just not how to take photos or how to make vehicles. So we have adepted to running as you witnessed." He rubs his chin in thought as they continue to walk.

After a bit of walking and seeing history on display, they approach an open throne room that takes up all of the third floor. Searra looks at It and notices it is surrounded by glass windows and has 12 high back chairs or thrones or whatever passes as chairs here. What amazes her is that all the seats are already occupied by semi old men and women.