That Was Close

Jessee is still asleep in the tub when Searra comes in with the daughter of Elder Four. Searra SLAMS the bathroom door, causing Jessee to jump awake in the tub.

She instantly draws her bow and fires an arrow into the door right next to the women. Seeing who it is, "Fuckn shit balls. You almost gave me a heart attack. Bitches, both of you. Why did you interrupt my lovely bath?" She raised an eyebrow at them both.

Searra responds as the elders daughter has no idea what to say. "Have you seen Zander? We went to all the places in this castle and nothing. Did you know there's a training area in my new castle? We thought that he might be there honing up, but nope, nothing." She has a worried look in her eyes.

The elders daughter speaks finally. "umm... If this is a castle you keep talking about, you umm... Know umm... That this castle is, well, umm..." she looks at the floor.