Chapter 5 - Path to S.T.A.R.S Office

Panic. That is the only word that could describe Claire's current mindset. She is scared. Scared that she might have lost Marvin. Scared that she would be left here all alone again. Whatever horrors that fill this haunted night, she doesn't want to face it alone. She doesn't want to lose anyone anymore. God she misses Chris so badly… She wishes he was here to help her through this like he has always done. She wishes he was here to comfort her in his strong stern arms. She doesn't care that he is a muscle head that only knows how to fight.

She quickly pops the fuse into place with the round handle in her other hand. She doesn't care for the other zombies behind her. She just wants to be together with someone. To share the burden with another living being.

The metal gate where Marvin saved Claire slowly lifts up and the light from the main lobby begins to fill in the darkness. Lustful zombies on the right side of Claire reach out for her hungrily but Claire does not care about the threat they pose. She simply aims her handgun and puts a bullet in each of their heads. Though it is not enough to kill them, it is enough to render them unconscious long enough for her to slip into the main lobby unnoticed.

"Please Marvin… be okay…" She wishes to herself as she heads over towards the bench Marvin was last sitting on. "Please… Please…" She begs to herself. She turns the corner and sees an injured Marvin laying down on the bench as he silently moans out in pain. Claire collapses down and lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank god. You are alright." She comes closer and inspects him closely. He seems paler than before and his wound must be hurting him like hell. "OK… I gotta hurry…" She whispers to herself. She needs to collect the last two medallions before it is too late. She doesn't want to lose Marvin. She can't lose Marvin.

Claire begins to move through the RPD with great haste. Even though she is moving quickly through the tight corridors, she is careful. Though there were some close calls, some even managing to get a few good gropes onto her, she is able to deal with them smoothly. It is not until she manages to get back to the second floor restroom again when she starts to feel off. She turns the round handle around the valve and the hissing from the broken pipe quiets down. She walks into the unknown with her handgun in hand. She opens the door towards the hallway that leads to the S.T.A.R.S office.

The whistling wind harrows through the broken windows of the hallway and cries of the rain pours into the dim room. The hall is shivering and chillingly silent. Littered with limbs with missing bodies or vice versa, the stench of blood fills the second floor with a foul stench. Though Claire steeled herself for whatever is to come her way, her body freezes at the unexpected sight. Her senses are sharp and the overwhelming sense of dread fills her body with adrenaline. Her first steps forwards are short and silent, barely making any distance from the safety of the door behind her. Cold sweat rolls down her face and her fingers tense around the trigger of her gun. There is nothing in sight but her instincts tell her to run. But, she knows she cannot run forever. Whatever that is in front of her is something she will have to face later on anyways. She needs to find the medallions so she can save Marvin. She needs to-


Claire's body turns to stone as an inhuman screech rings around the room and a thick mass of muscle plunges itself deep into a body right in front of her. Her body trembles and resists her will as fear overwhelms her senses. The flashlight in her hands shakes violently and gravitates itself towards the ceiling to reveal a nightmare fueled monster. Its body is void of any skin to cover its monstrous muscles. Sharp claw-like bones stick out from the limbs of the beast. The monster pulls the body it had impaled up towards the ceiling and feasts on it in the most brutal way possible. The sound of flesh and bones cracking and snapping after each bite from the skinned animal petrifies Claire. But not before long, the monster drops the corpse down to the floor, bringing Claire back to her senses.

The note that she read from the third floor comes to mind and Claire silently hugs the wall to her left. The door to the S.T.A.R.S office is a few feet away from her but a few feet could mean life or death for her. She looks up at the ceiling and sees the creature clicking its claws. Its head jerks around, listening to potential prey. Claire gathers her remaining will power and takes a step towards the office door. She estimates that it is about four feet away, but every step towards the office door brings her closer to the beast hanging from the ceiling. She takes another step closer. Three feet away. The Licker snarls at her direction causing Claire to freeze in place. It takes a few steps closer towards Claire and tilts its head around. Claire's heart races and her blood is diluted with adrenaline. Sweat coats her skin and her muscles scream from holding their position for so long. A bead of sweat detaches itself from Claire and drops down onto the blood soaked floor. Thankfully, the sound of rain masks the droplet's noise from the Licker. The Licker lets out an odd noise before turning around and stepping away from the frightful girl. She lets out a small breath of relief and begins to take another step closer towards the office door. Two feet away. Claire silently maneuvers around a mangled corpse and takes another step. One feet away. The Licker is a few dozen feet away from Claire. She takes a deep breath and takes the final step towards the office door.


The sound of the wooden floor under Claire's foot freezes her blood. Her hand on the doorknob shakes in place and her head is locked in place, too scared to turn to the right and see the approaching beast. She doesn't need to turn around to know that the feral animal came back. The clicks of its claws scraping the ceiling is already daunting enough. It lets out a curious noise before extending out its long yet thick tongue out to probe whatever made the noise. Its tongue slithers towards Claire's neck, inching closer to the point it can almost get a taste of her. Claire tries her best to stay composed. She holds her breath and stills the trembling in her hands. She quickly thinks on her feet. With her one free hand, she reaches for the knife on her side. Claire does a silent prayer before tossing the knife off to the side.


The knife lands somewhere behind the Licker drawing its full attention towards the noise. The Licker roars, retracting its tongue that was practically licking Claire. The lethal beast lunges towards the knife with inhuman speeds. It was so fast that not even her eyes could keep track of the monster's movement.

Claire hastily turns the door knob and enters into the S.T.A.R.S office before the Licker notices anything. Collapsing onto the floor right as the door closes, Claire breaks down from the intense stress. Droplets of water roll down her eyes as she begins to sob from the constant fear of losing her life. She isn't prepared to face the horrors of this nightmarish hell. She didn't sign up for this. None of this was supposed to happen. She was just going to check up on Chris because she hasn't heard from him in a while... oh... Chris... Oh how much she missed him. She wishes he was here with her at this moment. To run into his strong comforting arms and make all the darkness within this world disappear. If he was here, everything would be fine.

She looks up from the ground and sees the S.T.A.R.S logo plastered on the wall in front of her. There on the wall is a S.T.A.R.S jacket. Claire gathers whatever strength she has left in her legs and begins walking towards the jacket. She removes it from the wall and embraces the cold fabric into her arms. The smell is clear and devoid of the usual masculine smell that stains Chris's clothing but it was something that still brought comfort. The memories of Chris floods her mind and brings a new sense of calm into her.

Even if Chris was here right now, there is little he could realistically do. And even if she wishes for him to help her out in these tight situations, she wouldn't dare drag him into the same hell hole that she is in right now. That would be too selfish of her. She needs to be stronger than that. She cannot give into the nightmares that lurk around this city. She was going to make it out of here alive, no matter what it takes. And once this is all over, she will see Chris again. Maybe Leon is still somewhere out there, facing the same horrors as her. Yes, she cannot give up now. Leon might be out there struggling and Claire stands up tall with a new found resolve within her. She looks around the office and searches for any supplies that might give her the edge to survive this night.


Claire quietly steps out of the office with an empty can in hand. She looks at the end of each hall but finds the lack of Licker quite disturbing. Nevertheless, she needs to push through. She begins taking a step towards the end of the hall. The knife she threw earlier is still there though a bit worse for wear. Cautiously, she knees down and retrieves the knife back into her side. As she is about to turn the corner, she freezes in place. A light yet distinct clicking of the claw can be heard just right beyond the corner. She takes a deep breath and braces herself for the next few seconds. Whatever happens will happen, and she needs to just make the best of it. While holding her breath and her nerves calm as steel, Claire throws the empty can behind her and waits for the expected clang to echo through the hauntingly quiet hall.


The Licker roars to life and rushes past Claire like a dog chasing after a ball. Claire remains still for a moment until after the beast lunges after the can. She makes a break for it and quickly turns the corner to find a door a few feet away from her. She just needs to make it past the door and she will be safe. Just a few more steps- A slimy string of muscle wraps around Claire's leg, causing her to fall down onto her hands.

"AAhhh!" Claire lets out a horrid scream as she is being dragged back around the corner to the Licker. The Licker pounces onto Claire, pinning her under its weight. Its blood coated tongue glides up from her leg to her chest. Claire can only grunt in disgust as she tries to break free from its grasp. Suddenly, a dense hefty rod of muscle presses against Claire's thigh. Its form is similar to that of a male's reproductive organ and its tip seems to be leaking a clear white substance.

"You gotta be kidding me!" The lustful begins to grind itself against Claire's thighs while leaking monstrous moans with every stroke. It begins to thrust its hips at violent speeds and begins to roar ecstatically. It slithers its tentacle like tongue around her neck, tasting every fiber of her as much as possible before sliding under her shirt as well.

"Gah~" An unexpected moan escapes her lips as the Licker's tongue twists itself around her plump rack. As if wanting more, the beast then pushes its dense meat stick towards Claire's crotch and attempts to penetrate her through her jeans. An intense pressure builds against her groin as the mass of muscle begins stretching her only protection. And for a moment, it looks like her pants were about to give in until the Licker's manhood violently slid upwards, stimulating her clitoris in an surprising way. The lustful beast begins pleasuring itself by stroking its shaft along where Claire's pussy would be. The shocks of pleasure invade her mind as panic slowly turns to pleasure. The frightening thought of her enjoying this scared her dearly. Claire tries harder to break out of the Licker but to no avail.

Then suddenly, the Licker became quite agitated and more aggressive. It thrusts its hips wildly against her, grinding itself against Claire's clit like no tomorrow. Claire couldn't take any more of this foreign sensation anymore. She only ever felt this before when she was jumped by that one zombie. Any more of the Licker's harassment would throw her body into total chaos. And then she saw something she knew instinctively but didn't want to acknowledge. Its sex organ buldges even bigger than before and the clear white substance literally flows out like a small stream. It begins to growl deeply and removes its girthy rod from her eager lower lips. That monstrous dick would surely tear through her pants if it were to thrust it in now. She can't let that happen! She can't let this be her first time!

Claire squirms around even harder and for some odd reason the Licker loosened its grip onto her. She manages to free her dominant hand out and reach for the knife on her side. The lustful beast did not give her time to do anything. It immediately plunged its bloated manhood towards Claire's dripping sex. Her jeans stretch in a frighteningly way as the head of the monster's tip pushes the layer of fabric into her just enough to spread her open her entrance.

Before the Licker pleasureful organ could tear through her pants, Claire jams the knife into its neck, pushing it back slightly but enough to push him away from claiming her first time. But the Licker is not done. It bucks its hips towards Claire once again but this time it is not lined up properly. It slides its overloaded girth against her lower entrance one last time, pushing both of them over the top. The shocks of pleasure overload Claire's mind and her body trembles erratically as ropes of hot stickly sex fluids spray over her. The Licker collapses onto a quivering Claire after unleashing its pent up load all over her. The both of them basked in the afterglow of the orgasm.

Claire tries to will her body to move electric shocks of pleasure thunders in her body, sending her into another seizure like orgasm. After a few moments of laying there under the Licker, Claire finally manages to slip out from the Licker's weight but her legs are yet too weak to stand properly. She wipes the spunk off of her face as much as possible along with the rest of her body. Looking at her jizz covered hand, the stench of the sex fluid clouds her mind and a strange thought enters her head. She opens her mouth and draws her fingers close to her tongue.

The Licker besides her twitches, letting out a low snarl as well, snapping Claire back to reality. She quickly pushes her hand away and pulls out her handgun. Holding her position for a good minute, Claire finally lowers her guard once more and assumes that her partner is still recovering from its explosive orgasm. She doesn't dare attempt to recover her knife this time. She just attempts to walk with her shaky legs and leaves the encounter behind her.