-Briddy Do you want to go for a walk with me?

-Sure, Elios.

Since that day, Elios and I have never parted. Now we are very good friends. After that day...Elios is different, every time he is with me, his vibe changes.

*Day of the incident (Project)*

-You are better, aren't you?


-Oh, I see how this goes, if you feel sorry about today, you return the favor with a simple apology and I'll pretend none of this happened.

-Excuse me.

-Good boy. -Are you going home?

-Yeah... -Yeah... I'll see you tomorrow.

It's so cute, he was all flushed, in the end... good thing he collapsed.

*Present of the past (October 20) *

-Y... What did you bring me here for?

-I... like you, Briddy.

-...Am...I...supposed to answer that? - I've never had anything like this happen to me before, I mean, Elios is very handsome, but I don't know how to react at a time like this.

-We've known each other for months, but I... I can wait for you all my life if you want me to. There's no need to change things, I like them the way they are, nothing will change, only, if we were boyfriend and girlfriend, I could kiss you. The rest will stay the same if you wish.

-Elios... it's okay, I mean, I spend a lot of time and I like things the way they are too, but.... What if this ruins what we have now? I'd hate for that to happen.

-Don't worry, nothing will change.

-You promise?

-I promise, Briddy. -I promise.

It happened in less than 1 second, Elios carried me, my thighs between his arms, he put me against the wall and didn't hold back, his kisses, they were intense...every time he kissed, the intensity increased, Elios, the shy boy I knew, had already changed, certainly his lips with the taste of melon, were the best thing in the world, and .... if nothing is going to change...I would love to be with you forever, Elios.

-I love you, Briddy.




While we know love is beautiful, the fact that your boyfriend even has you in his bathroom is creepy.

-Stay here, Briddy, I'll go to the bathroom and tidy up my room. You wait here, okay?


As I said before, my curiosity goes beyond the allowed limit, if you tell me NOT to do something, I'll do it even WORSE.

If I don't die from a disease, I'll die from curiosity.

While Elios was in the bathroom, I ran up to his room, quietly, without him hearing me. I had made it, but, the damn door was locked. Happily my super intelligence kicked in and I pulled a small hook out of my hair, stuck it in the lock of the door and.... TARAN! I did it!

I managed to open the door with my super intelligence.

I was very happy since it was the first time I did it and it worked.

Inside that room I wanted to investigate, my other self in pictures greeted me with a "HELLO".

Yep, the worst scared shit out of me I've ever had in my entire life. Just imagine, seeing yourself in every corner of someone else's room. It's clearly horrifying.

I almost screamed, but restrained myself since, if Elios found out I was here, I might die.

On Elios' bed, there were more pictures of me and.... the creepiest thing. A horribly mutilated stuffed animal with a picture of my face attached to the stuffed animal.

But besides taking away a trauma, I also took away the "Elios Diary".

I lost, but I won - that's called *STRATEGY*-.

I locked the door with a key that was there, ran in -Mute- to the living room, where the stalker, Elios, had left me, put the diary away as fast as I could and case solved.

Elios comes out of the bathroom and I stay as normal as possible. I had to come up with an excuse to get out of this house, if we go to his room and he realizes that his diary is not where it was, something terrible could happen.

As usual my "IDIOT" self made me say the worst possible excuse.

-Elios... I think my stomach is not well, I have to go home. I'll come another day ok?

- Don't you feel well? Let me walk you home.

Elios' expressions... are very manipulative. Another reason to think he's a psychopath.

-N-no, I can go by myself, don't worry, I'm leaving now, I'll text you when I get there.

- Are you sure? You're very pale. I'd better come with you.

- No!...I mean, I don't want to bother you, I'm going alone and that's it. I'll see you.

-All right, take care... And text me!



- What the fuck are my eyes looking at?

-I know, I'm like that too.

I called Alex as soon as I left Elios' house. I see that Elios wasn't lying, I was really pale, it looks like I saw a ghost.

-Briddy, I don't care if you don't want to, but, you MUST break up with him. This guy is crazy.

-Y-yes, but...

- BUT NOTHING! Did you read what he says in his diary? He's NOT NORMAL! Get that into your head and understand.

I know Alex was right, I couldn't turn a blind eye to this issue either, but accepting it was like swallowing a nail...It hurts.

"A cute girl, so cute but naively pathetic, sometimes she turns out to be tender, but it's just her idiocy.

Should I confess my "Feelings" to her today, will it be too soon, how do I tell her that every day and night all I can think about is her?

I want and need to make her mine, not seeing her, it burns me up, I need to have her somehow or another, whatever it takes...whatever I have to do to make Briddy Brown mine and mine alone, it's something I will accomplish."

I...don't...know if I can.... It had taken me so long to get into her heart for it to now only be destroyed in 3 seconds.

Tears were falling from my eyes to my cheeks, the fact of breaking for something so....

-Come here, silly.

Warmth...warmth was what I needed to chase away that cruel ice cold.

I couldn't tell my parents, if I told them, everything will change and that would only worry them more. But what if Alex tells them?

-I won't tell them anything unless I have to.

In truth, Alex was the only one I counted on and the only one who knew me, he's the only one who can read me easy as a book. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have him.

-Briddy, just promise me you'll finish him today. And I'll go with you.


-I love you, dummy.

-I love you, you idiot.


-We're done.

- You mean because of the diary?

Elios already knew it from the beginning.

- Why more serious then?

-Briddy, let me explain...

Elios tried to grab my hand, but Alex grabbed it and pushed him against the wall.

-Listen to me, you psycho. Briddy I'm done with you, let's not drag this out and get out. Oh, but first, take down all the pictures of MY sister that are all over your room. Stop being a pervert. And I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU NEAR BRIDDY FROM NOW ON. Got it?

-A-Alex, let him go. This is a problem between me and him. Elios, I never want to see you again, pretend I don't exist and I'll do the same. Goodbye and good riddance.

-Sorry, Briddy...w-we...c-can...a-fix---

-FIX ANYTHING, you heard Briddy, now if you'll excuse us, we'll go.

Alex grabbed my arm and I just followed him.

-Oh, E-Elios... I'd recommend you get some help. Goodbye. - That was the last thing I said to him.

The only thing I could see at the end, was a scene... devastatingly sad. My ex-boyfriend...was crying inconsolably just as I was. It was like separating two Siamese twins. You couldn't separate them. The pangs in my heart were getting stronger and stronger. My breathing became more and more labored.

-It was for the best, Briddy. You may not see it now, but you made the BEST decision. I'm proud of you. -He gave me a smile that only made me hug him even tighter and not stop crying.

It was the last day I saw Elios.


(Present - CURRENT)

The only thing I could see, if I wasn't dreaming... was to see how someone hit Elios...

Cold, darkness, the smell of trouble and a body that could barely stand up. They were the most horrible sensations I felt since that day. My breakup with Elios... The day that was the end of my first "loving" relationship.

-Briddy!... Can you hear me... ....? ....

No... at this point the phrase "I hear fuzzy" comes back into action.

That night that was going to be a typical "teenage party" turned out to be anything but.

That same night, problems would arise again.

All because of what?

I'm stupid...