6: Phoenix

"I heard that you are to be taking part Ether's defence," Trojan said to Earl Sichal. "Congratulations."

Earl Sichal waved in front of him, still smiling. "No, no, it's nothing that great."

"The safety of our land is of great importance." Trojan said bluntly.

"I know that. It's just…" Earl Sichal sighed, rubbing his hands together.

"Does it concern the increased sightings of monsters?" Trojan asked, tapping his walking stick.

Earl Sichal let out a long sigh. "It does."

Aerial monsters, as they were called, were monsters that had the capability to fly. The most dangerous of Aerial Monsters included dragons, wyverns and pixies. Others were more harmless and allowed to fly past Ether. However, even if a dragon was flying by, humanity could do nothing but hope that it did not cause trouble. For the longest time, there had yet to be a major attack by monsters on Ether.

"What creatures were sighted?" Trojan asked. "Any Dragons?"

"No dragons," Earl Sichal confirmed. "But we have spotted several wyverns, Death Birds and a more curious sighting."


Earl Sichal leaned closer to Marquess Trojan. He made eye contact with Trojan, a sort of fear in his eyes. "There was a sighting of a Phoenix."

Trojan paused, stopping any and all actions. He shook his head after a few seconds, saying, "No, that can't be true. A Phoenix hasn't been seen in decades."

"But someone saw it." Earl Sichal pushed. "They saw a fiery bird in the sky, as big as any Outer City, as bright as the sun. The Fire Bird, many claimed to have seen a Phoenix."

"Have you confirmed it reality of things?" Trojan asked.

"Yes, I have." Earl Sichal confirmed. "Many of my close officials and family have been around when the sighting of the Phoenix occurred."

Trojan nodded. "I will have to speak with Duke Phoenix soon, he must be ecstatic after hearing this news."

Earl Sichal laughed lightly, leaning back again. "I'm sure he will."

Earl Sichal glanced at The Maid behind Marquess Trojan. Trojan said to his maid, "Could you leave the room? We will be speaking of private matters."

"Of course, lord." The Maid said, leaving swiftly.

The two men waited for her to fully exit the room before they started speaking. It was confidential information that regarded the safety of Ether. They were not to expose such information to anyone else, even to their most trusted maid.

"Regarding the defence of Ether…" Earl Sichal started. "I'm afraid it is not as easy a task as I had initially thought."

"How so?" Trojan asked him.

Earl Sichal raised three fingers. "The defence of Ether mainly consists of three areas."

The Earl put down his middle finger, leaving his ring and pinky finger extended. "The mages."

He followed up by putting down his ring finger. "The army."

He put down the last finger. "The people."

Trojan let the man talk undisturbed, not feeling the need to actually say anything. Earl Sichal continued, "Regarding the mages and the army, it should not be a problem should I have an alliance with other nobility, which is why I have invited Marquess Trojan over."

"You need me to support you with mages and an army?" Trojan asked. "I have no personal army, and my mage is useless."

"It is not about what you will be able to contribute." Earl Sichal continued. "Simply having an alliance with you, soon-to-be Duke Trojan, it will make many other families more interested in forming an alliance with me."

"So you need my name."


Trojan thought about it. He did not mind how Earl Sichal used his name as long as it was for the sake of the country, but it would be a lie to say that Trojan was not worried.

"What are you willing to offer in return?" Trojan asked Earl Sichal.

Earl Sichal looked around one last time before saying. "The guarantee that a certain man be sent to you."

Trojan looked at Earl Sichal. The Earl may not be of such high ranking, but he had many connections. If the Earl promised something, there was a high chance that it was going to happen. For Marquess Trojan, what he wanted was easily obtained by Earl Sichal.

"Alright." Trojan agreed. "I'll have you send him to my estate after further discussion. For now, you can make it that we have an alliance."

Earl Sichal nodded and leaned back once again.

Trojan felt that something was off, especially since Earl Sichal had mentioned the third part of Ether's defence.

"Regarding the people…" Trojan started. "What of it?"

Earl Sichal sighed deeply. "The peasants are unhappy."

Trojan gripped his walking stick tightly.

"The peasants are demanding that we give them higher pay, give them food. They do not comprehend the gravity of the situation. We are to prepare for battle, we cannot afford to direct too much to the peasants."

"Did something happen?" Trojan asked him.

"The farmers are revolting," Earl Sichal explained. "Although this is not really under my family, I have heard news that the farmers are revolting. They have stopped working for nobility and are hoarding their food for the eventual increase in food prices."

Earl Sichal shook his head, continuing, "Furthermore, some of the peasants have already started to go on strike, some even rioting. A couple of noble families have already moved out of Inner City to live in one of the Middle Cities. Ether is in chaos, and unless we handle this situation delicately, I doubt that there will be a chance to even set up our defences."

"Who are the farmers under?" Trojan asked.

"I do believe Marchioness Emilia is one of them. She has been talking to you regarding marriage, no?" Earl Sichal replied.

"Coincidentally, I will be visiting Marchioness Emilia later today." Trojan said.

Earl Sichal remained silent, so Trojan stood up. "Well, I believe we have come to an agreement? I will ally myself with you should you send me that man. I will further discuss the problem regarding the peasants with Marchioness Emilia later, so do focus your attention on Ether's defence."

"Well, may we meet again, Marquess Trojan."