9: Proposition

"All you have done is increase the prices for food?" Trojan asked the Marchioness.

She rubbed her eyes, having both a headache and eye pain. She let out a long sigh, something she would not do in a public area. Marchioness Emilia was the type to let herself go in front of Marquess Trojan, for whatever reason, she felt more comfortable with Trojan.

Marchioness Emilia said, slightly frustrated, "We have tried to explain that increasing food prices was necessary for the defence of our country. Defence efforts are expensive, food for our soldiers, the Calvary, the equipment, everything requires money and material, how could we simply afford to pay for all of those."

"What other families are involved with the peasants?" Trojan asked. "Especially the farmers."

"Me, Duke Phoenix and Baron Horix." Marchioness Emilia replied. "We are the ones who the farmers are working under."

Trojan nodded and rubbed his chin. "Could you call Duke Phoenix and Baron Horix for a meeting one day. I think it would be better if I discussed such matters with all three of you."

"I'll try, but Duke Phoenix is a difficult man to get ahold of." Marchioness Emilia said.

"No worries," Trojan said. "Just tell Duke Phoenix I have some information of the recent Phoenix sighting."

Marchioness Emilia's eyes widened as she looked at Trojan. She calmed down after a few seconds before he raised an eyebrow, her head resting on her fist. "You do realise how obsessed The Duke is when it comes to Phoenixes, right?"

"I do."

Marchioness Emilia shook her head. "You don't understand, if you're lying about this, even if you are a Duke at that point, who knows what Duke Phoenix could do to you."

"I am aware." Trojan agreed, rubbing his walking stick. "I have sent my mage to investigate."

"Your contracted mage?" Marchioness Emilia asked, unimpressed. "That useless guy?"

"Domino may not seem the most reliable, but I do believe in his ability." Trojan said.

Marchioness Emilia let out a long sigh before looking at Trojan with a tired expression. "I like you and all, but you're really playing with death by doing this. Besides, what can Duke Phoenix contribute?"

Trojan tapped his walking stick a few times before he replied, "Duke Phoenix has the most wealth and the most manpower amongst nobility. He will be a great ally to have. Besides, to deal with the problems with the peasants, we will need Duke Phoenix's support."


Trojan put his index and thumb together. "Money."

"Do you want to die?"

"Duke Phoenix has enough money to provide for the defence efforts. I myself shall contribute as well, but my wealth is nowhere near enough. With the finances of the defence efforts, we can handle the incoming threat of a monster invasion. Now that the supplies are being paid for, we no longer need to increase the price of food, the peasants no longer have an actual reason to revolt." Trojan explained. "Besides, in the future, Duke Phoenix's support will be important."

"It won't work." Marchioness Emilia told Trojan. "Even if Duke Phoenix goes along with your plan, the farmers are hoarding their food, there simply isn't enough food to go around."

Trojan rubbed his hand nervously. Indeed, the attitude of the farmers was a big concern. The farmers were hoarding their food in preparation for when the invasion began. They most likely planned to make the most profit when food was the most scarce, or they wanted to go into hiding when the invasion began.

Marchioness Emilia waved her hand in front her her face, as if trying to change the topic. Marchioness Emilia gave Marquess Trojan a forced smile and said, "Let's push this matter to a later date, shall we? I wanted to meet you today to discuss marriage between the both of us."

The marry Marchioness Emilia was to dissolve her family into his. She was the head of the family, but was only in her late twenties. Similarly, she had lost her parents and was forced to become the head of her family at a young age, which was partly the reason for the decline of The Marchioness' family name. From what Trojan knew, her relatives refused to get involved, and she was an only child. She refused to marry until recently, which was about when she set her sights on Marquess Trojan.

"As I have said previously, I am not looking for marriage at the moment." Trojan said, trying to put the topic aside.

"But it will benefit you." Marchioness Emilia said.

Trojan remained silent, waiting for anything Marchioness Emilia wanted to say.

"Your involvement in the matter regarding the peasants, would Duke Phoenix and Baron Horix be accepting of an outsider?" Marchioness Emilia started, looking somewhere between smug and tired. "Marquess Trojan should have no involvement regarding such matters, but not only have you proposed the meeting, but have also tried to come up with a solution yourself. It is out of your domain, my dear Marquess, so I highly doubt that your plan to alliance with Duke Phoenix will go too well."

Trojan held back a curse, knowing that what Marchioness Emilia said was true. Even if Trojan became a Duke, he still had limitations. The farmers were overseen by three of the noble families, Trojan had no right to stick his nose in uninvited.

"But if we marry, then you would instantly be a part of the discussion, no? As my husband, you have every right to discuss important matters alongside me." Marchioness Emilia continued.

A tricky woman, Trojan thought. The family's decline was definitely not because of the Marchioness. She had the brains and wit to do business, but considering how intertwined her business was with the peasants, it was very likely the peasants' fault.

Trojan stood up and patted down his coat. He adjusted his hat once again before saying to the Marchioness, "I will put that into consideration."

"I was thinking that the meeting should be soon." Marchioness Emilia said, staring at somewhere else. "I mean, it is batter to solve this issue as quickly as possible, no?"

She was trying to threaten him. Trojan knew that she made sense, such issues should indeed be settled as soon as possible. That would simply mean that Marchioness Emilia wanted to at least be engaged to Trojan by then, forcing Trojan to make a quick decision.

A tricky woman indeed.

"I will write to you later today regarding my decision." Trojan said, walking off, walking stick in hand.

"Have a nice day ahead, my dear Trojan." Marchioness Emilia said.

"Do get some sleep," Trojan told her. "Rest up and eat well, for the following days shall be rather chaotic."

Marquess Trojan left the room.