20: Preparations (b)

Trojan knew the Royal Family's weakness, actually, it was a well known weakness amongst the nobility. The Royal Family especially needed to keep up appearances, not just to the nobility, but everyone else in Ether.

From that weakness of theirs, Trojan could predict the amount of time he was safe from any assassinations. The Royal Family, or rather, the King, would be trying to get rid of the threat to their position as quickly as possible. However, there was still the fact that Trojan went to the Palace to have dinner with the Royal Family.

Trojan had gone to the palace, and it was a well known fact. Peasants, nobles, everyone knew about it. The Royal Family had yet to send an assassin solely because of Trojan's presence in the Palace just the day prior.

If Trojan would be reportedly assassinated, there would no doubt be speculations that the culprit be the Royal Family. Should Trojan die within a few days, the timeline would fit too well to not be the Royal Family. Considering how influential Trojan was, there would no doubt be a massive loss in support towards the Royal Family.

Another factor Trojan was sure of was their assassin. He knew that Alastor was definitely not doing to be the one to end him. If word got out that Alastor had killed Trojan, everything would lead back to the Royal Family, and once again, they would lose support of the people.

There was yet another problem. There was still a chance that Trojan was killed and people point their blames at another party. Trojan needed to prevent that, he needed to discourage the Royal Family from even thinking about assassinating him.

"My lord, your safety should come first and foremost," Klaus insisted. "The party should n of be held. It will only put my lord in danger."

Trojan held out his hand, trying to think more. He tapped the table, the room silent. He needed to think of a way, not to prevent any assassin from killing him, but to prevent any attempt at it in the first place.

"The Party shall commence as intended," Trojan decided.

Before any of his staff could speak up and argue with him, Trojan explained himself. "I have a plan that will prevent the Royal Family from from attempting to murder me."

Trojan glanced around, making sure they were listening. "Get the messengers ready, by tomorrow morning. I require as many messengers to send letters to every noble family in Ether except the Royal Family."

"A letter?" Klaus asked, concerned. "What kind of letter, my lord?"

"I will be notifying the noble families that should I die, the Royal Family is to blame. Furthermore, I will send some information to Letha L. Emilia regarding the Royal Family."

Trojan imagined the stack of paper on his desk, not looking forward to handwriting all the letters. "Should the Royal Family attempt to kill me, it shall only cause them to lose support."

"But the Royal Family may still kill my lord regardless," Klaus said. "If we are not sending the letter to the Royal Family, the assassination may still occur!"

"I shall write a separate letter for the Royal Family," Trojan decided. "Of course, I shall be implying my plan to them in the letter while also inviting the Royal Family over to attend the party."

"Understood, my lord," Klaus nodded, not as convinced.

With no one else in the room speaking, Trojan pushed the conversation towards the topic he had initially started.

"Where is a suitable location for a party to be held in Inner City? Suitable and safe for esteemed guests such as the Royal Family?" Trojan asked, not too sure about the location himself.

The party would most definitely not be held in his estate. It was too small for such a large scaled event involving the Royal Family of all people. Other locations just around Inner City was unfamiliar to Trojan, and he hoped his staff was more knowledgeable on the matter.

"There is really no safe place in Inner City, my lord," Louis told Trojan. "In the current state of affairs, the people are angry at the nobility. If a party were to be held somewhere in Inner City, there is a chance that the people may do something horrific."

Trojan was much too familiar with the actions of the peasants. No matter how popular Trojan was, there were always some people who just saw him as another member of privileged nobility. Peasants had been causing quite some trouble, and that talk with Duke Phoenix needed to be hastened.

"No…" Trojan muttered, looking at the table, a habit he had developed unconsciously. "There isn't enough time…"

His staff simply sat there, looking at him, waiting for a response. Louis was right, as long as there was a party by the nobility in the public, the peasants would most definitely try to ruin it. It also set for a bad example of nobility and fuelled the stereotype that nobles did nothing but party all day. Trojan could not hold it publicly, so he needed the event to take place somewhat privately, perhaps in someone's estate.

"Send a messenger to Emilia's residence immediately," Trojan ordered. "Klaus, ask them to send a message that I wish to speak with Emilia in her estate first thing tomorrow morning."

"What for, my lord?" Klaus asked him.

"We are going to have my promotion party and my marriage celebration together," Trojan replied. "It will be a grand event, but this way, it will be much better to have the party be in Emilia's estate."

Emilia's estate was safe, large enough for parties and a much better place for such events instead of Trojan's own estate.

"My lord, there is a meeting with Earl Sichal tomorrow?" His maid reminded him.

Trojan rubbed his knuckles and told her, "What time?"

"The early morning, my lord."

Trojan waved it off, telling her, "Delay it. Tell Earl Sichal I will be visiting his estate later in the afternoon, after my discussion with Emilia."

His discussion with Emilia was much too important for someone like Earl Sichal to disrupt and potentially ruin his plans. Trojan knew that if he was unable to succeed with the marriage and party, as well as the spreading of the rumours, he may very well die.