S1-14: Disappearing Act (a)

Lied started running along the hallway of the Kruffswegen headquarters. Luckily, there were not too many people around.

Lied knew it was a bad idea to have Letha visit the Kruffswegen headquarters. He had looked away for a moment, and it was as if she had disappeared altogether.

"Letha?" Lied called out.

There was no reply. He cursed and started running again. He wanted to help Letha, the reason was still unclear even to himself. He simply felt the need to help her find out about her home.

He stopped, looking around.

Who was he kidding? He knew clearly why he decided to help Letha.

It was almost subconscious, but he wanted to help her because of his past. He knew the pain of being away from your family much better than most, and he wanted Letha to be reunited with her family.

"Damn! Where are you?" Lied said under his breath.

While the three of them, Lied, Hilda and Gotham were searching within the walls of the Kruffswegen headquarters, someone left the building.