"Hey!" Lied tried shaking Patricia awake.
The red mist which had surrounded her previously had dissipated, leaving Patricia lying down on the side of the street. When she did not wake up, he turned to check the wreckage of the house that was left. Patricia's bag was inside, and likely the Ice Rune was inside as well. It was nowhere near sunrise, but he could at least try to salvage whatever was left.
He ran into the wreckage, making sure to watch his step for any sharp objects. Lied spent time digging through the broken down inn, throwing scraps of wood aside. He was dripping with sweat, but he wanted to keep himself busy.
Eventually, after what felt like hours, he managed to find a bag.
He opened it, seeing everything basically intact. Even the potions inside were perfectly fine. Instead of questioning it, he made his way back to where Patricia was.
"Oi!" Lied tried shaking her awake.
This time, it worked.