S1-78: No Way Out (a)

~Babil, 6115 a.d. Day 93~

A dream.

A dream of glory and success. Surrounded by riches, surrounded by all worldly things a person could ever desire. Money, power, fame. Everything just to cover for the simple fact that he had no one he could trust, no companions he could truly believe in.

He sat up, his eyes flying open. He was sweating and gasping loudly for breath, looking left and right, his heart beating so fast it felt like it would just stop. It was a dark room, barely anything could be seen around him. He took a few short breaths as he felt his surroundings. He patted himself down, finding that he was still wearing his armour and still had his equipment.

The ground was rough, likely stone.

He clutched his head, feeling a sharp pain. He could have sworn he had a gash across his chest. He reached out, feeling the armour. Indeed, there was damage to the armour, but he felt absolutely fine.

How did he get there?