~Babil, 6115 a.d. Day 173~
It had taken Akuji, Yogw and Verxy longer than expected to reach the twentieth floor of Babil. They had consistently gotten lost by going down the wrong hallway on the previous floor. When they reached the twentieth floor, there was nothing to be seen. Yogw paced around while Verxy stopped for a sip of water.
"There's no telling when we'll reach the top floor," Yogw told them.
"We don't need to reach the top floor," Verxy told him. "We just need to find the book and leave."
Yogw shook his head. "There's no exit, remember? I have a feeling that by reaching the top floor, we'll be able to find a way out."
Little did Yogw know, the border preventing him from leaving had been lifted days ago.