[Bonus chapter]

~0003 a.d. Day 102~

On the edge of Ether was a small shack. The event known as the Purge of Ether was still fresh in everybody's mind. Many have run away from Inner City because of the riots and have found themselves unable to return to Inner City. Inside that small shack, were two women named Iris and Ami.

Ami had found Iris wandering out of the forest earlier that year. Since then, she has cared for her and taught her everything she needed to know. She taught her how to speak and write and explained why the forest was such a dangerous place to go. Yet, despite all the time they spent together, Ami could not quite place her finger on why Iris felt so familiar to her.

That day, Iris was playing with a stick outside. She went around observing the nearby surrounding area which was approved by Ami. Iris would go around poking a few things with the stick and asking whether they were rocks.