
Hey I just rey something I haven't even used my one element that I have. maybe I should try and use it.

+after a few hours+

I finally did it I created water and It's is levitating. I tried to make it into a ball by making condense but it just went everywhere.

+after a few hours+

I finally did it again but let's do the opposite and try to make it go every where and it into a ball. Man water sure does work weird.

[you just learned skill really crappy water magic]

wow it just played me like that I worked really hard with nobody to teach it to me. anyways let's try to make it move and it moved just fine it could go in a straight line. wow that was easy but I think I need to get better at creating it and shaping it.

+after a few weeks+

I wonder why I'm not hungry

[starve event makes monsters feel full for a year]

Wow that's very useful anyways back to training I plan on training until a start getting hungry.

+a year later+

It's been a year already but all I accomplished was getting to basic tier literally basic water magic. but all that time I was working on a special move and I completed making it. I allows me to trap somebody.

Also makes them not able to talk so I can kill humans more easily let's go hunt some humans. But if they have a some of magic it will break so no mages.

+when he found humans+

I need to spy on them and take a look at them. Ok so one is a swords man another is a Archer with some magic and a mage. Two of them are out of the picture so the swords man is my only option. Problem he's in the front so if I use my magic the others will notice.

Then a perfect opportunity appeared after a little bit. A giant crocodile came out of the water blasting water bullets. Then the swords man got behind him. I came up behind him and used

water magic: soundless cage

Then killed him ate him then ran home 1 down 2 more to go

hey author here what is your favorite anime

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also next chapter I'm going to talk about the other person if you read the tag's you know