Wiping Out an Army?

"Vance if you can stop arguing with my generals, we can come up with a plan."

"Yes little boy, calm yourself."

"Ay John is it okay if I break this guy's arm?"

"No Vance. We need him to lead the soldiers and fight off this army."

"No... Not really? I can kinda just, beat em?"

"This isn't funny brat. Do you think war is a game?"

"No I think that I have enough magic ability to wipe out an army. And if that isn't enough my combat prowess will be. I have single handedly wiped out 500 men in a 500 vs 1. And that was with me allowing them to get close enough to me for hand to hand combat. Now if you want to see how fast I can delete you from this mortal plane."

"Master, this seems to be what they call: cliché, correct?"

"You do seem to be right Celine." Said Alice who, like the rest of the girls, was watching this scene transpire.

"Papa, Sir Vance really can just wipe out this army. Even if he gets hurt he can just heal it."

"That reminds me, next I should really get some mana regen. I'd do infinite mana but I don't think that'd work yet."

"I'm sorry dear, did you say Vance truly can wipe that army out?" Asked Lucy.

"I too believe in Vance's capabilities." Said Jess.

"Well if my daughters believe you can do so, then Vance I will have to request of you to wipe them out." Said John.

"No problem. But I will say that even if I do this now, you should really keep training your soldiers."

After saying this, Vance began walking towards the nearest window. As he did so everyone else followed him, and unknown nuisance general began speaking to him.

"I don't know how you brainwashed the princesses and all of the girls with you but know this: you are destined to fail brat."

"Well that doesn't sound like a villain line at all jackass."

After saying that Vance opened the window and flew out, and then proceeded to fly and land in front of the army. While this was happening, Celine, Alice, Hope, and Jess, watched from the window with John, Lucy, and everyone else as well. John turned to Jess and asked her.

"Can he really do it? It isn't that I don't trust you my daughter, but wiping out a whole army alone sounds impossible."

"Don't worry father. Just watch and see what Vance can do. And keep in mind: his strength has not peaked, he can continue getting stronger."