You sit at the table near Lizzie, and she provides a brief overview of the rules and strategy. The game, a cross between Magic: The Gathering and Warhammer, plays in rounds in which all combatants expend a card and move a figure around the board. Derrick shuffles with casino-dealer-level expertise and places four cards in front of you. Lifting them, you see images of a dragon, a giant blood-covered beast, a vampire bat, and two snakes in a circle biting the other's tail. Derrick plays a card called a Storm Lord and moves a matching figurine across the edge of the game board. Jeremy follows with an Ice Bridge card and lays it across the center of the table.

"None shall cross," he says in a deep, monster-like voice.

Lizzie plays a Medusa, her hair made of poisonous snakes flailing out of the card's border. Jeremy and Derrick share a groan, and your partner slides a miniature around the edge of the diamond. You consider your own cards and realize your snake card complements Lizzie's Medusa. You place it on the table. "

Yes. Drink up, boys," Lizzie says.

Derrick rolls his eyes and takes a shot of some clear liquor before passing the bottle to Jeremy.

Derrick and Jeremy win rounds two and three. Lizzie's mood worsens with each lost round and each shot of alcohol. As the game continues, the clouds shake out more heavy snow, and the partygoers increase their own levels of intoxication.

Lizzie plays a Hydra, which uses its many dragon-like heads to destroy Jeremy's Stone Golem, winning round four. But Derrick plays a series of unconventional gambits to steal rounds five through seven and win the game. The group sits in silence for two long minutes, the only sound coming from Jeremy's muffled squeals. Derrick and Lizzie lock eyes, neither giving any hint of their thoughts on the outcome of the game.

Lizzie stands and flips the table. The diamond board goes one way, pieces fly another, and the cards flutter through the air. Jeremy falls backward in his chair, spilling his beer and a plate of nachos. Derrick slides to the side to avoid the shrapnel of plastic and cardboard. Somehow, you're spared from friendly fire.

"Cheaters, all of you," Lizzie says and storms away through a sliding glass door into Madison's house. Derrick drops to the ground and frantically collects the pieces as cards fall to the ground and dampen on the snow-stained ground.

Standing, you realize this is your cue to leave the not-so-friendly game and find Jonah.