Flowers For Algernon

AUC 1203

Martius 29th

It's been two days since Naytan Jakson arrived outside Mantua. I tried to discretely ask for his origins, but alas, it seems it is something he keeps close to his chest. I can tell it is a painful subject, he hides it well though.

He is not from here , and that was clear from the first sighting of him. Naytan is tall, taller than any man I have seen, if his hair was red , I would have thought he was a Daidara halfling for his height is over six pes! His skin is as white as clouds, while his eyes shine green like the crystals on the staff of Minerva and his hair as as golden as the morning sun. Have you ever in your research heard of the like?

Although Naytan is not from here, he speaks Lidati better than some nobles, he has an accent I can't place, his main language is something he calls English.

His first day here , he was completely oblivious as to where he was, as he doesn't seem to know anything about Akira or its history. One thing of notice, he asked the year, and where were we in the world, calls Chikyu as Earth.

Naytan did absorbed the history lessons I gave him like a dry cloth in water, he would have been a fine brother of our order, with those lessons I have made some progress, I learned he is from an empire called America, says his people are called American.

I showed him the map I obtained from the slayed Godi priest and although he guards his expressions as you would a lover , I saw him recognize the map, but I also saw shock. I don't believe he knows how he got here in the first place. According to him, America is from a land farther west of Muur.

If that is true, we might be able to secure an alliance through him, Godi influence has spread as far as Mantua I fear. Naytan holds himself like a noble, even though he says he is just a commoner, I don't believe that one bit. Just like how he hides he is a warrior, he reminds of you, Naytan seems to always be ready for any attack, and holds his body in a relax manner, his confidence there might be higher than yours, ha.

Says he retired as a warrior a while back, calls himself and engineer, but describes it as something altogether different as to what is used in war. I believe he might have retired young to pursue politics and join what they might have for a senate as our people used to do.

He had strange clothes with him, I don't think he is as retired as he says he is, for his clothes seemed to be that of a predator, it blends with the forest! It is the strongest material I have ever seen used for clothes barring armor. His 'hunting' knife is of a metal I have not seen the like before, I asked to borrow it, I manage to scratch it a little in the morning, by the time I returned it, the scratch was gone! It sounds just like the weapons of Mars!

I fear the quality of even his boots are of superior quality than what the Emperor once had. From what I have gathered from him, his people seemed to be superior than that of the empires of Muur, if half of what he says is true, an alliance with his people is of outmost importance for our Lidati culture to survive what is coming. I will try and make that my top priority.

This won't come as a surprise after I described how Naytan holds himself. Sister Ohta was extremely opposed to have him anywhere near me, according to her he is "A Moon Knight in disguise". It took her a while to convince otherwise, and to allow us to have a private conversation. Sister Ohta still keeps two Sisters on him on rotation at all times. "For protection Father" she told me.

I seen him train in the mornings, before the sun has risen, he trains like a madman, not even upcoming brothers in our order are trained as intensive by Flammen Maximus, or with such weird methods as he trains in. When I asked him about them, he says he doesn't train as much as he used to. I wouldn't dare imagine a thousand warriors like him.

One thing that brings a smile, he has taken three young man from this village under his wing it seems. He has trained them after he finished his 'routine' as he calls it. The funny thing is that one of them was the old mayor's son, who doesn't even listen to Sister Ohta at times. They have in close to no time, regarded him as a second coming of Lidatus after he put them in their place.

Sister Cara informed me all three had tried to sneak attack him with staffs as weapons, and had "The ground handed to them." She said he used his body as a weapon, and "Moved like the wind."

He actually does remind me of the stories of Lidatus during his Preafectus days, before he took command as Legatus. In just two days he turned those young man a hundred and eighty degrees in their personalities. They listen to his every command and now act like veteran soldiers, it is funny. But I can't help and think what he could do if he were to help train and raise the legions of old. I made small comments about it, but he says he is retired, and not his fight, alas, I'll keep trying to rope him in.

High Priest, you should come and spend a week enjoying the sunrise here in Mantua.

Brother Verus