The Solution

Lin Qi trudged through the mud, trying hard to find the others.

The surrounding was covered in thick white fog, and he could only see about seven feet away.

The first person he found was Luther. He was in a more dangerous situation than Lin Qi since the mud was already at his neck.

Luther's breathing became more and more labored. He was gasping for breath and struggling nonstop. He was shouting things like 'Young Master' and laughing from time to time.

"Luther, wake up!" Lin Qi did not go any closer. He saw that the mud around Luther seemed to be alive, and it was slowly pulling him down.

'This swamp is actually alive. I can't wake him up from this distance. Wait... I almost forgot that I still have the Song God's Flower.'

[ Song God's Flower: It can stimulate the mind of the user, wake up a person who is in a deep coma, and see into their dream. ]