Back to The Greedy Goblins Dungeon

~~~(POV: Lyatt Scott)~~~

~~~(Date: February 9th, 2297)~~~

~~~(Time: 3:43 PM)~~~

I turn towards the exit of Sarah's and Klein's makeshift living quarters here at the library. Before I can make it all the way to the door, Klein stands up clears his throat. "Thank you for saving me, Lyatt Scott... That Wraith was making sure I suffered a great and slow death... If not for you, I'd still be there..." I turn around and give a single nod.

Saying something in return is unnecessary. I turn back around, and I close the door behind me as I exit. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT THE WRAITH!!!" Sarah's angry yell can be heard halfway down the staircase. He's a lucky man to have someone that loves him so much. Many would kill to have a person like that in their lives.

Enough wasting time, I have a dungeon to clear and farm. Once I get the first clear, and a permanent key, I will do a few more runs of the dungeon to load up on gold. Once outside of the library, I turn towards the exit heading for the old fort. "Scott!?" While just outside the gate, I hear a male voice to my right. I turn and see Jake.

One of the members of the party that I helped get to Nettleton. I fold my arms and standstill as he makes his approach. "I didn't think I'd see you again. I'm surprised that we ended up heading to the same place in all of Libertas... Kedwein is a base of operations for my guild." I figured Jake and his group were a part of a guild, but I didn't think he was the leader.

He's waiting for a reply, but I give none. He gives an awkward chuckle at the intentional silence I'm giving in return. "Never Change, Scott..." He walks past me through the city gate. "By the way, I suggest upgrading your gear. You're never going to find a party looking like that. Much less a guild." He continues walking, and I turn back on the path and continue walking.

As badly as I want to stay on the solo path, it's going to be necessary that I have allies. I can't trust anyone on my friend's list, cause there is the chance that one of them is the murderer. NPC's, that's who I'm going to use. That's going to be extremely difficult. Convincing NPC's to be in your party or guild is significantly harder than you'd think.

I brainstorm ideas as I walk for 30 or 40 minutes. As I make it back into the courtyard, the dungeon will be full again beyond the doors ahead. None of the ideas I have are that good. You can't walk up to an NPC and try to recruit them. This is a problem that I can focus on after I finish clearing the dungeon. I walk up to the giant doors again and use the key.

Once inside, I continue forward. Soon after entering, goblins are already coming at me. This is the perfect chance to use Dread Wave. As the group of goblins charge, I use Dread Wave and an aura surrounds my body, a Jet Black Darkness leaking off me. A half-second later, Darkness shoots out from me and engulfs the goblins making their charge.

They release desperate screams before complete silence. As the Dread Wave returns back to me, the only thing left is piles of gold. I got 10 EXP towards my player level and 15 EXP towards Dread Wave. This is a fantastic attack. It's like Darkness leaps out of me in a wave and envelops my targets. Killing them in the process. I don't know what happens to the bodies.

I took my time collecting the gold, and this group gave me 28 gold. It's a nice amount. I'll clear every path and kill every goblin. It offers the most EXP and gold doing this. Once all the paths are cleared like last time, I'll take on the dungeon boss. Greediest Goblin Ver, it's going to take some time, but not as long as last time. I continue down the path, and I reach the same intersection as last time. Mana is fully regenerated.


A/N: Whenever I mention Lyatt Scott's player information, come to the bottom of the page below the wavy lines above. I don't want to interrupt the flow of the story by having the player information actually up there. So it's going to be down here. Come to this area when I change something or add EXP.

Stats will be updated and changed according to the development of the story.

[Lyatt Scott]

[Lvl.8][55/100% EXP]

[Class: Darkness Incarnate (Mythical)]


[Mana:2300/2300][+5 Mana regen every second]



[Chest:Black Shirt(Common)]

[Legs:Black Pants(Common)]

[Feet:Black Shoes(Common)]

[Ring:Grant's Ring][+500 Total mana]

[Active Skills]

[Dread Wave] [Lvl 0/10] [15/100% EXP]

[Cost:200 Mana Per Cast]

Release a Wave of Darkness that hits enemies for 300 Damage.

[Dark Vines] [Lvl 2/10] [55/100% EXP]

[Cost:200 Mana Per Second]

Summon Jet Black Vines under your opponents covered in thorns and wrap the target/targets and deal 350 damage per second until the target/targets are dead or have broken free.

[Dark Burst] [Lvl 0/10] [50/100% EXP]

[Cost:600 Mana Per Cast]

Shoot a Jet Black ray of Darkness from either index finger and deal 400 damage to target/targets hit.

[Devour] [Lvl 0/10] [0/100% EXP]

[Cost:200 Mana Per Second]

Use the Darkness to drain the Health of your opponent and add it to your own. Drain 10 health Per Second.

[Black Spear] [2/10] [20/100% EXP]

[Cost:200 Mana Per Cast]

Create a spear out of pure Darkness to throw. 450 damage per hit.

[Black Sheild] [Lvl 0/10] [30/100% EXP]

[Cost:500 Mana Per Cast]

[Duration: 15 seconds or until 1000 damage is absorbed]

Summon a shield in front of you that negates 1000 Physical damage and Magical Damage.

[Dark Cacoon] [Lvl 0/10] [30/100% EXP]

[Cost:1000 Mana Per Cast]

[Duration:10 seconds or until 2000 damage is absorbed]

Wrap yourself in a cocoon of Darkness to block 2000 Physical and Magical damage from all directions.

[Scan][Lvl N/A][EXP N/A]

[Cost:0 Mana]

A skill that allows you to see the basic information on the target you're scanning.

[Passive Buffs]

[Darkness Incarnate]

As Darkness Incarnate, you have the most potential for power in Libertas. Plus 100 mana every player level up. Start with a 1000 base mana.

[First Mythical Class Wielder]

You're the first Mythical Class wielder in Libertas. 10% EXP gains for Player and Skill levels.

[Nor Good, Nor Evil]

The Darkness is considered neutral but is of the greatest power. All organizations of Good, Neutral, and Evil will not disrespect you openly.

[Mental Immunity]

Your mind is impenetrable to mental attacks and readings. All people who try to gaze into your mind will have to fight the Darkness to keep their sanity.

[Dark Vision]

You can see perfectly in total and complete darkness.

[Lore Tab]

Lyatt Scott is the only person in all of Libertas to have a Mythical Grade Class. The Darkness Incarnate is a class of extreme power and potential, the strongest there is. As an Incarnate, Lyatt Scott is essentially the Darkness given form. He isn't evil, but he's not good either. The Darkness is the Darkness. It just is.

Lyatt Scott is the first player to clear an Uncommon Grade dungeon solo.

[More Lore will be added upon more accomplishments]

[Discovered Locations Tab]

[Horris Village]-Horris is a Farming Province in the Termal Empire located in the county of Barbos.

[Termal Empire]-The Termal Empire is one of the mighty 5 empires in Libertas.

[Barbos County]-A small county owned by a Baron named Fiscal Voel and his family.

[Nettleton]-An abandoned town in the Termal Empire 45 miles from Horris Village.

[Grant's Dungeon]-An important dungeon located near Nettleton and has a very important drop for all classes.

[Duchy of Ferzal]-One of three main Duchies in all the Termal Empire.

[Kedwein]-A city on the easternmost border of the Termal Empire. It's in the Duchy of Ferzel

[Greedy Goblins Dungeon]-A dungeon that's perfect for getting gold when you need it.

[Met NPC's]

[James Bloat]-An odd old man that resides in Horris. You met him and solved one of his riddles to get a quest. You have since completed that quest.

[Sarah Relor]- A Goblin Expert and important NPC in getting access to the quest for the first attack on the Greedy Goblins Dungeon.

[Klein]-The lover of Sarah Relor that you rescued from certain death.

[Inventory Tab]

Traveler Compass-An Item with limited Fast Travel Abilities

Key to Greedy Goblins Dungeon-This key unlocks the secret dungeon located in an old fort near Kedwein

Legends and History of William J. Kurk-A book that tells the tale of the infamous Exorcist William J. Kurk

[Discovered Recipes]

[James Bloat's Bread Recipe]