Asdis' struggle

"I don't want to ruin that pretty face though. You are not giving me any choice here, woman." Feeling annoyed with the situation, he cracked his knuckles.

Seeing that he was ready, Asdis made her move. She moved in an instant and threw a punch right under his jaw with the force of her strength.

Ivar raised his eyebrows feeling amazed at her quick response. Then he dodged while pushing his right fist into her stomach. Both of their reaction was good and they were able to react to their blows.

As it continued, both of them moved while trying to land a heavy blow. As for others, it seemed like they were both evenly matched. They both have landed the same amount of damage to each other.

Aragon folded his arms around and stared deeply at Asdis. As he observed her, he noticed her movements were very nimble. Also, from her movements, she clearly had the advantage here but she was dragging this fight.

"You are quite strong with that lustrous body. Admit defeat, Girl!" He smiled and it was not like the previous. He shook his both hands, tying the hair back of his head.

"If you continue, I will get aroused by your scent." The smile on his face disappeared and his body became stiffened.

Asdis's expression changed and furrowed her brows. She could feel that Ivar was getting serious. The previous opponents he faced were not his match and he dealt with them easily. He has not fought with all his strength till now.

Asdis stared silently at Ivar with thoughts of her own. She thought Ivar was a muscle head with no sense of using strength. But now Ivar seemed like a different person with his aura changed from before. It is definitely not gonna be easy taking on Ivar.

Ivar charged at her without delay. He pounced at her like she was prey to him. This time he wanted to end with one punch as he clenched his fist.

His fist moved swiftly dragging the air. It seemed he put his strength into that one punch.

Asdis reacted to his speed but she was unable to block the punch. But at that moment, she moved upwards. His punch landed on her hip. Now she was upside down after his fist grazed her hip. As soon as the first hit her, she felt like she was pushed very hard and the pain in her hip sharpened. Then she quickly swung her hand down.

As Ivar looked at her thinking that he landed his fist, a piercing pain came from his right shoulder. Then he saw her palm on his shoulder.


She fell to the floor and spilled some blood. Her left side of the hip became bright red almost like it was sliced.

After this scene, every member boomed.

"Yaaa…aahhh….." they let out a few loud sounds.

Asdis even after she took a blow, pushed herself and struck him.

Seeing the blackened skin on his right shoulder, it was not a regular one. He was surely struck hard. They have only used a single strike to decide the fight. In comparison, Ivar was stronger than her but Asdis still went against him.

She panted hard with lying on the ground. Her bruise started bleeding and it had become difficult for him. She knew that she couldn't win against him, but she wanted to try.

Because she was claimed to be Ivar's wife in a few days, which she didn't like.