Night raid-2

As the men of the Isu tribe heard him, they ran into the village, intending to kill anyone who was spotted. Sner was in front, as they entered and passed two-three houses, there was no screaming or anyone coming out. Sner narrowed his eyes and continued forward.

After passing two houses, they were met with a welcoming scene.

The warriors of Solvwulf, with their weapons ready, all stood in front of them as if they were already waiting for them to come.

Sner grinned even more seeing them. He was not surprised seeing them here. At first, he thought that attacking at night will surprise them and thought that it will be easy to kill them.

In contrast, they seem to have been waiting for them to come.

"Well, well, well,"

"Aren't you asleep yet?" He said with a big grin. His sight landed on the person who was at the front.

Rhaet was standing before his group. Ivar and Synnove were also present with him.

Katheryn was nowhere to be seen.

Although the number of people in the Isu tribe was quite big, Rhaet and his gang were not showing any fear. To say that, they were more excited to face them head-on and butcher them.

"Rhaet, it's time for you and your people to sleep forever." Sner was the one who initiated the attack, as he sprinted toward Rhaet.

Rhaet met the axe of Sner with his axe. They both wielded the same type of weapon. There were also about the same size.

Soon, the rest of the members followed suit with their leaders, and the fight has begun.

The village people ran out of their homes and went to the meeting hall. They were a person guiding them and giving instructions.

She was Ragna, the wife of Rhaet. She seemed very flustered with a little worried face, nevertheless, she passed on orders.

She had led the tribe people to the hall. Children were crying, women who held them were all very frightened.

Every time, something like this happened, they had to run for their life or hide from the people attacking them. Protecting themselves and the children, was not an easy task but they survived many battles.

This time also they all came running to the hall to hide while the warriors fought outside.

Sner and his warriors came without making any noise but Rhaet already that he was coming. So he arranged his warriors and was waiting for them to come. So it was a bit easy for them to come out as soon as they heard the noise.

Ivar and Synnove were also fighting. Synnove was doing exceptionally well with her tall body. Asdis could only follow Synnove but she was unable to fight properly as it was her first time-fighting men of another tribe. It was not like ground fights where if you lose it will be over. Here those men will kill if you hesitated even a little.

Synnove had a saber that was about two-foot long with a curved edge. She was on par with the men going to head with them. As her long longs supported her body to move and made it flexible for her.

Her hair dark blonder hair swayed as she moved. She fought with all her strength.

The number of men with the Isu tribe was more than what the Solvwulf tribe had now. It would be very difficult for the Solvwulf tribe to survive this battle.

But, not a single member of Solvwulf was showing despair. They stepped forward putting all of their efforts into fighting them.