
Sner and his warriors were the only ones left. The other village men he brought were all killed mercilessly. The total village paths were filled with bodies and pools of blood.

The smell of blood covered the entire area.

Katheryn was standing in the yard of Aragon's house. Her face and clothes were all blood covered, her hair was also drenched in blood. She was panting from all that continuous killing.

She leaned back to a stick that was in the yard of the house. She wiped the blood on her face with her hand, looking out for enemies.

The warriors on Solvwulf's side also suffered, losing numbers and some injured. Still, they were able to gain the upper hand, now that only a few of the Isu men were left.

Rhaet also suppressed Sner with his strength. Sner was bleeding on his right shoulder. His movements and his vision became blurry.

Rhaet was also not in a condition to continue the battle. He plunged forward stabbing Sner and killing him with that strike.

Sner was killed and the remaining warriors also lost the will to fight after seeing their leader get killed.

All the bodies were scattered over the village with blood spilled. It was an utter mess and all the warriors were exhausted from hours of fighting.

The sun was about to rise and they were all standing at their places, taking breathers. The battle just ended, they have won but they had paid the price too, killing almost half of the tribe warriors.

The Isu tribe came in numbers but wasn't able to kill their opponents. The Solvwulf tribe, the reason they were called the strongest tribe even with a little number because they are tough mutts who wouldn't go down unless their opponent was killed. No matter the number, no matter the strength of their opponents, they would just dive into bombard with their enemies and kill them.

The sun rose, bringing light onto the dead bodies. It was a little gruesome to look at. Some of their bodies were cut, making their inner parts visible. Their bloodstream flowed through the paths of the village. The scene itself was nauseating but it was normal for them, as they fought frequently.

The rest of the warriors of Solvwulf gathered around Rhaet, with large smiles hung on them, chanting victory praises.

Katheryn didn't go there but she went to Aragon. Aragon was looking at the bodies with a few different expressions. He saw some kids who were frightened and some ran away. But he was very calm and composed and watched them with a stoic face.

Katheryn came up, seeing Aragon acting differently, that's what she thought when she first saw the two men, wounded. Even the kids his age in the village might not be capable of doing that damage. And Aragon was too calm seeing their dead bodies.

Usually, the tribe would take them to wars after they become well-built, reaching their limits of growth. That would be almost 18 or 19 years, it's when the children become adults and go to war with the adults. Other children would just fight or do whatever within the village, so they didn't get to see the horrors of war. It's not that they were completely unaware but today's war was rather different from their usual ones. The enemies were all killed easily by Solwulf's men's rage.

And Aragon was 14, he was still young to see this horror, and his grandma wouldn't have allowed him to grow up, seeing this type of thing.

The scene would make an adult fazed but Aragon was completely quiet.

Thinking that, She approached him, and asked him curiously, "Did have any prior experiences with the wars?"

"Aunt, do I seem different to you now?" He replied back with a question, which made Katheryn frown. He was asking like that was what was on Katheryn's mind.