
Aragon stayed there for a couple of minutes and then left the place. He didn't go in, but he went further into the forest.

Back in the hall, everybody seemed to be busy with themselves. It wasn't crowded, but there were a few people from the village there. There were smiles all around the hall; men drank and women served them.

Rhaet and Katheryn weren't among them. They were still in the room upstairs. Katheryn had a complex expression on her face when she looked at Rhaet.

"Have you decided?" Katheryn said it in a serious tone.

Rhaet nodded.

Rhaet was thinking about how he would execute his plan to kill them. He was bent on killing the family of Moses to see the reaction of the Lord. Rhaet was not a dignified man; he was ruthless from the beginning. The number of lives he took to reach here was greater than the number of people present in the village.

Certainly, he wouldn't be afraid of some lord coming to his territory and claiming to be the king of these lands.

At first, he only wanted to benefit from their cooperation and gain whatever he could. But his plan was nullified by the news Moses brought, and it was the marriage proposal.

Then he thought of another plan to massacre them in a way that they would least expect. That's what he wanted to do, and he executed it right after all of them gathered for the wedding.

He was surprised by the numbers at first, but now he had decided to go through with the plan no matter what the consequences might be.

When Katheryn heard the plan, she was utterly shocked to hear her brother's decision. She wasn't afraid to hold a sword against an enemy, but she was rather puzzled by the aftereffects. The people came from behind the mountain. The moment they started building the town, their methods and soldiers were all completely different from what they knew until now. The soldiers had better weapons and armor.

And it was the first time they encountered such an enemy. They had never fought a battle with iron-suited men before.

It would be a tough battle, and Rhaet decided, and Katheryn had to agree because of him.

Aragon returned to the hall after roaming through the forest for an hour. He just looked around and came back. He came through the entrance door. No one was that interested in knowing why he came through the entrance door again.

The hall had an upper floor with all the rooms; it was in the form of a square. In the middle, on the ground floor, a table that was about 15 meters long was placed in the center.

On that table, all types of food were placed. Most of the food items prepared were meat and drinks. As it was, for the wedding, they had hunted a variety of wild beasts and brought them back for cooking. And with the recipes given by Reinfride, they were able to cook delicious food.

Aragon came and sat on a chair in one corner of the table and took the glass of ale. He was glancing around, taking a sip now and then.

The people present in the hall were busy with themselves. The hall buzzed with the people's chatter.