

While they were talking, Katheryn crashed onto a table, diverting their attention. She got up and, with a fierce look in her eyes, she glared at the knight.


'Thup' She spat on the floor and said, "Damn! This is really tough shit!"


Katheryn stood in front of the knight, tightly holding the handle of the blade with her right hand. She wasn't a normal woman, and until now, there was no one in these mountains who made her push like this. She was a fierce warrior, and she wouldn't back down from a fight just because the opponent was tough.


"Are you all this strong, the people from Ditrayn?" Katheryn asked him.


The knight replied to her question, "Not all.

His voice sounded stoic. 

This time, the knight made a move. He lunged towards Katheryn, swinging his sword at her. It looked simple, but Katheryn could see faint traces of blue light around the sword.