Nuru's scheme

Aragon sighed, shaking his head. He didn't want to bother thinking too much about them. 

Nuru walked in front, and Aragon walked behind, following her. 

As soon as she came out of the room, she dismissed the maids. Then she and Aragon were the only ones left. She was leading him as he followed her. 

Along the way, she didn't turn back or talk to him. Only silence and this made Aragon feel irritated. He felt like everything that was happening around him, he had no control over it. He felt like he was being controlled. 

While he was lost in his thoughts, they reached the garden. 

To add more fuel to his frustrated mind, he saw Norchelle sitting placidly at the table. She appeared unfazed by his presence, and it only added to his growing sense of unease.

"What's the meaning of this?" Aragon demanded, his voice betraying his anger.

"Aragon," Norchelle called his name. Her voice sounded tender, but Aragon remained on edge.