One against all

The knight was now able to sense Aragon's aura, as Aragon was slowly burning in the red haze. It was the physical form of the aura, the physical manifestation of his bloodlust. It was faint, but he could see it clearly. The rest of the group gasped in surprise, watching Aragon. 

His brows raised in astonishment, as it was his first time seeing something like this. 

Aragon's expression remained emotionless, but his eyes blazed with an unmistakable bloodlust as he locked his gaze on the knight. Aragon's own sword glowed faintly red, but the aura disappeared as Aragon closed his eyes briefly, only to reopen them and return to his normal state. However, the bloodlust remained evident in his aura.

But the knight didn't falter. Instead, he said, "It seems you have the sword aura, but it won't save you from dying at my hands."

"Do you only know to talk?" he growled, his aura pulsing with fury.