
"Nice talk."

As Leanna walked away from Aragon, her departure marked the end of their brief but intriguing encounter. Aragon left to his own thoughts once again and returned to his solitude and the tranquility of his drink. The remnants of the empty bottle in his hand served as a testament to the passing hours.


Drained by the events of the day, Aragon succumbed to weariness. The fatigue washed over him, and before he knew it, he drifted off to sleep right there on the balcony. His slumber was deep and undisturbed, cocooned in the darkness that enveloped the capital. 


As the night unfolded, the city lay dormant, its streets empty, and its inhabitants tucked away in their abodes. The once vibrant capital now embraced a serene stillness, a quietude that whispered of rest and respite. Shadows danced in the moonlight, casting an ethereal glow upon the cobblestones as if the city itself had succumbed to a peaceful slumber.