A Queen and a Madam Unveiled

Ozeln brought Aragon to the chambers. Aragon was staggering slightly as he was intoxicated. He entered the chambers and saw Leanna and Reaca.

Ozeln was standing beside him, trying to support him. 

With a subtle gesture, Leanna dismissed Ozeln, leaving Aragon standing alone in her chambers. The air in the room felt heavy with unspoken tension as the door closed behind the departing companion, leaving Aragon, Leanna, and Reaca.

Aragon's drunken state was unmistakable, his movements were slightly unsteady as he swayed on his feet. His disheveled appearance mirrored the disarray within his mind, his clothes were haphazardly arranged, and his once-pristine hair was now a tousled mess. He appeared as a young man lost in the throes of intoxication, his disoriented state a reflection of the chaos that pervaded his thoughts.