A spark

Vaises was sitting in a room that had a nice view of the city of Ditrayn. He was still holding the letter as his thoughts went back to his father. In his eyes, his father was a great figure and the strongest swordsman he ever knew, and he couldn't believe that man was no more. 

The one who sent the letter was Gwychards. He had sent news of his father's death. It also detailed the treacherous circumstances surrounding his father's death, shedding light on the web of deceit and betrayal that had been done to him.

Vaises' eyes reflected the pain and anger that swelled within him, and his gaze fixed on the flickering flames that danced in the hearth. He could not help but place blame on the crown, and those who held power within the capital. The resentment simmered in his heart, fueling a burning desire for retribution.