Meeting once again

It was around noon, and Vaises had reached the meadows. He and his men had come across the battlefield. The dead bodies were all over the place. 

As Vaises and his men surveyed the aftermath of the battle in the meadows, the gruesome sight of lifeless bodies strewn across the field sent a chill down their spines. The air hung heavy with the stench of death, a somber reminder of the violence that had unfolded. Amidst the unsettling scene, Vaises halted his troops and dispatched a scout team to venture further and gather information.

Anxiously awaiting their return, Vaises couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. His suspicions were confirmed when the scouts returned with alarming news—the camp of Gwychards lay abandoned, his soldiers slain, and an enemy force lay in wait ahead, ready to ambush them.