Return - 2

Back in the meadows, Merlena and the rest have departed. 

Javorne and Gwychards, their hands tied. They were on horses. 

The march was slow as the soldiers were all exhausted, and they were also the ones who hadn't yet healed. 

Aragon was riding alongside Merlena when she asked him, "When will you tell me about Vaises and your relationship?" 

Aragon let out a dry chuckle, "You don't have to call it a relationship. Well, he was just someone who brought me out of the village, a place where I used to stay." 

"Oh! Well, make sure he doesn't come again wielding a sword." 

"You don't have to worry about that. As lonely as I am here, he wouldn't dare again. I am sure those people got my message," he said, as he gazed into the distant horizon. 

"I have to say, Javorne turning against me sure got me. To think he had desired my sister all along. I always thought that he was just a lazy guy," she said, letting out a sigh.