A bond shared by the two

Elviraa, the dragon with a commanding yet feminine voice, spoke within Aragon's mind, her words resonating with power.

Aragon somehow knew that it was her voice that echoed in his mind, confirming her identity as the dragon before him.

Unaffected by the searing lava that surrounded them, Aragon stood his ground, his gaze locked with Elviraa's majestic form.

As the lava continued its relentless flow, carving a path through the cave, leaving Aragon and the dragon in the center, the old sage, Falyrn, observed the scene with growing excitement. "It's a dragon! Finally, it has come for him!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his elation. He was sure that this dragon was Aragon's bond and came for him. He hurriedly made his way towards them, eager to witness the long-awaited bond between Aragon and the dragon.