Peak pleasure

Katheryn was now lying, facing the wooden ceiling. She could feel hot fluids flowing out of her as her body glistened in the night glow with all the sweat.

The gentle winds flowed into the room through the window and made whistles. 

Aragon was still not satisfied, he moved near her face and started kissing her abruptly. She groaned as she held his head, holding his hair firmly.

Her tender lips kissed him with full of hot passion, against the cold weather outside.

Aragon lifted his hand to grab her breasts and gently started kneading her soft flesh. Aragon liked kissing her, and if possible, he wanted to continue kissing her like this for hours straight. He felt her lips were sweet, and the way she rolled her tongue around his made him want to indulge in the kiss forever.

Aragon pulled back and said, "I can never get bored kissing you, Katheryn."