Search for Aragon

Far away from the village, in the heart of the expansive empire that ruled over all human settlements, the Imperial Palace stood as a symbol of power and grandeur. The center of the empire was bustling with life, with a vibrant display of rich architecture, bustling markets, and a myriad of transportation beasts ferrying people to and fro.


Within the grand walls of the Imperial Palace, a courtyard witnessed an intense conversation between two men. One was the elderly man who had clashed with Aragon, and the other was a middle-aged figure exuding an air of authority and regal bearing. His silver hair and sharp features hinted at his wisdom and decisiveness.


The middle-aged man leaned forward with a piercing gaze and asked, "Are you absolutely certain about this? It was indeed his sword?"


The old man nodded with conviction, his voice steady and unwavering. "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. The sword and the technique."