Behind the lines - 2

In the wake of Osalde's proposition, the hall pulsated with a charged energy, each occupant contemplating the implications of this unforeseen turn. The air seemed to crackle with tension as the subordinates exchanged glances, their expressions a tapestry of surprise, curiosity, and, for some, a hint of trepidation.


Beltar Miraqen, the lord of Kaairoes, maintained his silence, allowing the weight of Osalde's words to settle in the hall. His calculating gaze swept across the assembled faces, discerning the subtle shifts in loyalties and the unspoken reservations that lingered beneath the surface.


Osalde, perceptive and strategic, observed the reactions with a keen eye. His proposition, though bold, carried the promise of reshaping alliances and redefining the balance of power in the entire kingdom.


Their subordinates, still processing the audacity of the proposal, awaited the response of Beltar, a man known for his strategic prowess.