Chapter 2

{As you desire a system because of those novels you saw, I was given to you as a gift. Btw, I'm the lightning that killed you}

'..So I'm killed by lightning? Why is my form shown as human- Hermaphrodite?'

{Devas have no definite form, their form is usually the same as the natives of the place they were thrown into, All devas are hermaphrodites. You have a human form as your basic form.

Deva form is your original form, the form depends on your basic form with some little changes. While using your deva form, your strengths and abilities will improve. It will feel more natural to use your deva form for you but it's also eye-catching. Devas already have a natural beautiful face according to their own aesthetic and the deva form will magnify it a lot, your aura will also transform to fit your status and personality.. some show warmth, and some are ice cold and lofty, while some like to remain mysterious. Your deva form is now unsealed, you can check it later.}

' why is my surname Eternity if the void is my parent?'

{All deva have Eternity as their surname, as for the reason. It's because once a deva is reborn, their lifespan will become eternal...there are other reasons that are not on my database}

'Can you explain the sealed abilities I have?'

{Those abilities are now unsealed. Devour lets you absorb all kinds of energy for your cultivation including void energy. All-knowing gives you the ability to know all language and things that exist while creation is the one that lets you create things.}

'How the All-knowing ability works? I don't seem to have extra knowledge right now

{The knowledge won't be transferred to you as your spirit can't handle it, you need to study it yourself. It's like having countless books in your head and as long as you think about it, the system will help you to look for its information. It will be then sent into the hologram while the languages have been turned into an auto-translation feature in the system.}

'What about creation?'

{It's the ability to create things, but you need to know its components to the smallest details to create something. The system has permission to use the creation ability and all-knowing ability for the 'shop'. Creation is the ability used by devas to create worlds, they usually create a world with only natural resources and living beings then let them develop naturally.

They sometimes program a plot to the world and once the civilization reaches the same as the story, the characters will start getting born.

Some Powerful Impatient Devas often create a world with civilization in it already, they will then create the natives or Characters before giving them fake memories so they won't find that something is wrong.

The process requires extreme concentration, imagination, and high amounts of energy. They will need to create billions of different memories, bodies and faces, some have the same copy of memories with little changes in people and places and some don't have any memory at all (amnesia).

They just need to make sure that the people with the same face or memory (doppelganger) don't meet by spawning them far away from each other.}

'I only asked about creation yet you answered so much, oh well...Say!, do you have emotions? What's your personality.'

{The system doesn't have emotions as of the moment, but my personality is made based on what you want and your own personality.}

'ehhh? Then what personality do I want for a system?'

{An Understanding and helpful system that can put up with your shitty personality}

'...I guess I want something like that.

'What about my personality?'

{You'll find out about it yourself by observing mine.}

'I can't think of any more questions, why don't you tell me about your features'

3 booklets suddenly fell on my face, I took them to see. They are titled 'Chat Group Member's Guide', 'System Shop's Information', and 'System Host's Authority'.

(will be shown the content after chapter 4)

I sat up and began reading, it's written in English.

{The booklets from the system have enchantments that let all creatures understand what is written on them, an example is when Korean looks at it..they will see the information in hangul.}

'That's honestly cool'

After an hour, I manage to read and understand everything in it.

'Do I have to know the compositions of something before creating them in here?' I asked

{You don't have to worry about that, you just need to tell the system the basic information on what you want to build and I'll do the rest}

I sighed in relief after hearing it.

'I want modern Structures with black, gold, and white as a base colour. Create a mansion with 3 floors and a basement.

Put a Stadium size training area at the back of the mansion, there should be a rack for all kinds of weapons with different weights on the side and a Training area for a marksman. Make those who were spent after training in the training area recover their energy instantly after resting for a minute.

Put a garden park on the left side to the front of the mansion. Make a swimming pool on the right side of the mansion. The rest of the place is a forest.

The mansion will have 4 doors that lead outside, the front door, the door on the left side connected to the garden, a door on the right side connected to the pool and a door at the back connected to the Training area.

In the basement, there's a room where gravity can be adjusted. It's for training and a hot spring. Put the door connected to the shop in the basement.

On the first floor are the kitchen, living room, dining area, gaming room (VR), and arcade room.

The second floor is for the rooms of the members, Every room has its bathroom. Put a dozen rooms for now.

The 3rd floor will be mine, with a Bedroom, Closet Room, Bathroom, mini kitchen, mini living room, and a private gaming room.

The wall can turn into glass where I can see the surrounding. In the mini living room, a ladder to the rooftop is located. Put some soft couches and tables on the rooftop. As for the styles and theme of the mansion, make it elegant and mysterious.'

[Analyzing...The host will be thrown into the void as the pocket Dimension will undergo a major re-construction]

The Hologram appeared then I felt a pull backwards, I looked around and it was dark yet somehow bright at the same time. It's weird but I feel comfortable here.

After who knows how long, I felt that pulling sensation again then I found myself in a place filled with green. I'm somehow stepping on air and below me is the mansion.

I went on the rooftop and then went down through the ladder, I can teleport but walking feels better as I need a distraction. I toured the whole mansion and then bathe in the hot spring to relax.