Chapter 8

While walking, Rimuru suddenly yelled.."Ambush!"

Kakashi brandished his dagger and flickered in front of Justine while Rimuru jumped on top of the carriage to see the surrounding easier. It's something they talked about when they haven't met Justine yet.

"What are yo-" Jihad didn't finish as an assassin suddenly appeared in front of His Highness, fortunately. Kakashi is there to block it and counterattack.

The assassin is also agile but Kakashi still manages to cut a little on his hand that was holding the short sword.

He didn't mind it at first until he started feeling that something is wrong, his expression crumpled..he was about to escape but Kakashi manage to block him till he got paralysed.

Rimuru played with another three while Jihad fought the last one.

Rimuru is not even serious, he's dodging their attacks than using a thread from his skill to hold those who want to escape.

When Kakashi finished his battle, he assisted the guard Captain and captured another assassin while Rimuru bounded the other three in the thread.

As for Ace, I already told him not to make a move for these small characters... it'll be bad if they got roasted, the smell won't be likeable.

"You're strong, but how did you know that there's an ambush?" Justine asked with a cautious tone.

"We have this, it will glow and heat up if there's a killing intent 10 meters around me," Rimuru said while showing a pendant, the sensor is a necklace.

"That's a useful item, say the price"

"Sorry but we can't sell this, it's a gift from Ash that saved us numerous times from ambushes "

"I understand"

While they are talking, Rimuru also tied the 2 paralysed assassins with his thread.

Justine and Ace walked toward them

"It's a trained assassin, the other 3 committed suicide while the 2 paralysed people can't move to bite the poison in their mouth..we already inspected their bodies for any hidden weapons"

"You removed the poison?" Rimuru asked

"We don't want them dying as soon as they manage to move their mouth" Kakashi, the expert at this answered.

Rimuru blushed with embarrassment but still asked.

"How long the paralysis poison works?"


{Since they only got wounded a little, it'll last for 10 mins}

"10 mins," I said while staying invisible

The 3 members didn't react much as they know the question is directed toward me but the guards looked around for my figure and when they didn't see me..disappointment appeared on their faces.

My face is probably a kind of skill if I'm a game character.

"Ehem! We wait for 10 mins to 'ask them nicely' about their boss or employer" Kakashi said then snorted at the guards.

"You just said they're trained, how will you ask them?" Rimuru.

"I have my way" Kakashi

"Like cutting their penis then forcing them to eat it?" I asked, the males shuddered while the assassins fainted directly.

"Ha hah hahaha, I'm sure they'll tell you what you want to know after they woke up"

"You're not serious? I'm already looking forward to it" this his revenge since he doesn't have that anymore?.

"...." All

"You can do it if you want to" me

"No need!" Kakashi

"Whatever, I'll visit you tonight for training"

Kakashi suddenly regretted talking.

After 10 mins, Jihad started checking the assassin's muscle if it was back to normal already. He then woke them up, they looked around but showed fear when they saw Rimuru who was grinning while looking at their little junior and Kakashi playing with his dagger.

"I'll talk! I'll talk! Don't cut it!" One of them said while panicking.

"Don't! I'll tell you everything!" The other followed

They sighed in relief when they saw Rimuru's disappointed face.

Robin is half-acting when they woke up, as for the other half...

Jehad started questioning the assassins as Kakashi doesn't want to talk anymore.

They found out that they're a lackey of the neighbouring Kingdom's Prince, Justine's Rival. Justine doesn't even take him seriously, he's hiding his real strength thus he's been declared a Rival of a weaker person.

They brought the assassins with them as they continued their journey.

The 3 members acted like they were shocked that Justine is a prince since he's humble and doesn't act accordingly to his position.

He just answered that he's outside now..he wants to take a break from being a prince once in a while, make friends with others as Justine..not a Prince but just Justine, a person.

What a touching aspiration he has..sigh

He observed the reaction of the three and sighed in relief when their treatment didn't change.

They had a smooth journey and finally arrived at the Capital, Justine needed to board the carriage again as he needs to switch roles..he is now a Prince of a Kingdom.

They were invited to the castle, on their way to King Jame's office..Justine briefly said some common information in the Kingdom.

I deactivated my invisibility when we are in front of the door. The guards already left as soon as we arrived at the castle.

"Knock knock"

"Come in"

"Father" Justime greeted while bowing

King James looked towards us then looked at his son as if asking who we are.

"I met them on the way, they helped us capture an assassin" Hearing the word 'assassin'.The king finally got serious.

"Are you hurt?" He asked

"No, thanks to them. They're a travelling mercenary group. They have an Item that can detect killing Intent so they manage to react properly and block the assassin when they attacked." The Prince said with a smile

"Are they good? Can they be trusted?" He asked again

"I'm sure with my judgment, they can be trusted" Justine

"I'll trust you on this one...Just an hour ago, a mysterious letter appeared on my table. It says that an assassin will attack tomorrow" James

"During the Party?" Prince

"During the party" King

"And the target?" Prince

"You, and probably your brother too" King

"You said you're a mercenary? I would like to employ you to be my son's bodyguard tomorrow. I can pay you handsomely, you can alarm the guards as long as you detect a killing intent with your magic Item. Or maybe, you can let us buy your magic Item" King

"I tried buying it, they don't want to" prince

"Rent? Borrow?" King

"I'm sorry but we can't do that your majesty, we can be your son's don't need to worry about my companion's strength," Rimuru said confidently.