Chapter 12

"Hey, we need to hurry..the party is about to start," I said while interrupting them.

They looked at me with a shocked face, including Kakashi who began reading the moment we arrived at the castle.

"Don't tell me you forgot about me, I'm telling you I didn't activate my invisibility. I'm with you the whole time" I said with a teasing smile. It might be better to show a pitiful face since they forgot about me but that doesn't seem good right now..maybe next time this happens.

"Ehem, sorry about that but I don't seem to remember you eating with us during lunch," Justine said to me, he can finally talk to me without stuttering or blushing.

"You took a table for 4 people, I sat beside your table with Josh." I just realised that they also ignored Josh.

'System, why did they forget him?'

{Host, Stop asking long as you use your brain, you'll have your answer}

'I feel lazy to think more complicated thoughts'

{Sighs. Kakashi, Ace, and Rimuru didn't forget about him, they just ignored him as he seems to be aloof to everyone while his brother, Justine is just used to him not talking so chose to ignore him.}

'see? you'll answer my questions anyway..why need to think deeply, it'll just consume mental energy'

"Forget about that, we should get ready for the party," I said..and went ahead of them to our rooms.

{24 hours have passed since the Chat Group's Activation, and the 1st sign-in is available.}

'Oh yeah, I almost forgot about this. Sign in

{You obtained 95 coins}


I took a bath and opened the box the king prepared, inside lay a set of black clothes.

I don't plan to wear this at first since I don't want attention during the party, I plan to remain invisible. But now, my shroud can give me stealth..while not giving me complete invisibility, it's enough to make me ignored by most.

I wore the clothes given to me and went outside, I saw Rimuru and Kakashi done changing their clothes and it's also black.

"Kakashi, remove your mask and headband..we're going to a party, you look suspicious and also, Let down your hair," I said. Kakashi's equipment is inside his Storage.

"But my eye-" I cut him off

"You have a piece of black fabric with you right? Cut a hole for your original eye then tie the fabric on your head" (Pic in the comment section)

After fixing Kakashi's outfit, Ace went out of his room..followed by Justine.

Ace finally wore a decent clothe.

We went to the main hall where the party will be commencing, I walked behind them and as expected, no one noticed me yet.

Just a couple of minutes later, Josh arrived and looked around before stopping at me.

He must be constantly reminding himself that I'm here and that the first thing he did after arriving is to look for me.

It must be hard to constantly think of someone your brain wanted to forget.

We were seated at the forefront of the hall, closest to the throne.

Everyone entered from the side door as the main door is reserved for the King's grand entrance.

After half an hour of waiting, the main door was finally opened by the Royal Guards and the King entered with his Officials behind him.

The King went towards his throne and the officials went to the table close to ours. Everyone in the hall, including us stood up to welcome the King.

From Justine's words earlier, everyone here values strength for than anything else. The officials were elected and passed through numerous tests, one of the requirements is high strength and talent in management.

The King was usually the strongest in the Kingdom as the heir can only seat on the throne after passing the minimum requirement on the strength.

If none of the King's children doesn't have good talent, they were mostly given treasures and resources to increase their cultivation but if that didn't work..the King will have no choice but to look for another heir from outside of the main family.

At worst, the King won't be able to find a blood relative that can be the heir and will have no choice but to appoint an outsider (Disciple, student, friend..etc.) that passed the strength, age, morals, and sense of responsibility to be his inheritor.

Luckily for King James, both his son is a genius and talented at cultivation...but unlucky at the same time since neither Josh nor Justine seems to have any interest in being a king.

Almost half of the people in the hall already noticed my presence, they are the officials, noble house heads, strong cultivators and some observant people.

I can hide my presence deeply if I wanted so there will be fewer people who can notice me but I'm not actively hiding, as long as they are observant..they will see me.

Except for showing some interest because of my abnormal presence, which is non-existent..they didn't bother me, they probably thought we were sitting here because we are a friend of the princes.

The King said a long speech and made a toast to everyone before sitting down so everyone sat down too.

Yes! Everyone is standing while the King does his speech, I want to sit but that'll be disrespectful in the eyes of others.

I honestly don't care about it but being low key is my goal today, it'll be bad if the assassin targets me later during their attempts since I'm sitting close to the prince

He subtly nodded and made a small toast towards us but only those people observing the king's every movement noticed that and as a result..our status in their eyes was raised.

I smiled a little and replied with a toast of my own, I drank the juice in my glass as I observe everyone there.

I don't drink alcohol, I have a high alcohol tolerance but I like foods and drinks with good taste. No matter how many times I tried, I can't find something enjoyable when drinking alcohol.

I wanted to finish this mission fast and do another one, I want to open my shop as soon as possible.