Chapter 13

3rd POV

While the party is ongoing, the Eternal Infinity Mercenaries (Ace, Kakashi, Rimuru) are secretly on guard which didn't escape from the strong cultivator's eyes that were observing them, resulting in a little tense atmosphere that only affected those sensitive people.

As for our MC, he's having fun eating without a care for the Assassins...It'll be amazing if he accidentally bumped into an assassin.

"Ow!" Ash said after bumping into a kind looking middle age man...oopsie, hehehehe

"Sorry! Are you hurt?" The man said lightly while inwardly telling himself

'this one is really hard to keep tabs on, I kept losing his whereabouts. I have no choice but to put a tracker on him or I'll go crazy if this continues. He sat and was greeted by the Royals, he must be an important person. if something happens to him, even if the assassination won't be a complete failure, just killing this guy can give them trouble.'

Oh yes, our dear assassin just did an inner monologue..feeling like a protagonist.

Unknown to our feeling protagonist Assassin, He just foiled their Assassin Gang's plan.

Although it's bound to fail with the Eternal Infinity Gang guarding the targets, the failure becomes easier after exposing himself to our MC.

Ash's POV

{A spell for tracking was put on you by that man, the probability of him being an assassin is 75% based on his facial expressions and also shows that he is not used in his current body which is probably the result of a disguise. There are 90% that he has an ill motive towards you by the glint in his eyes that he failed to hide. He's thinking something bad}

'Ohoho, lucky! or not? the others are looking for him actively and here I am being targeted by them when I didn't even care about them.'

I first replied to the man's question

"I'm fine, although I said oww. It didn't hurt me a bit" I said without giving a clue that I know what he just did.

"Just be careful walking, you might trip and die- I mean fall, anyway.. that colourful dessert is about to run out, I can't wait for the cooks to refill them," I said then quickly going to the dessert area which is just 3 meters from here. I didn't give a fake excuse, the dessert I wanted was really about to run out.

I commented on Rimuru's Livestream since I noticed he occasionally look dazed, probably looking on the Livestream since the viewers can see a hundred meters around him..they're also helping on looking for suspicious-looking persons.

[Infinity: On the left side of the hall, 3 meters from the dessert Area, the kind-looking middle-aged man in full black clothes is an assassin..probably a scout. Don't look for him too obviously, just say to Kakashi and Ace to communicate here while the others chilling at the pocket dimension guard your surrounding through the Livestream.]

[Tony: I thought guildmaster won't help?]

[Infinity: It's an accident, this one just attached a tracker on me.]

Hmm, it's those assassins' fault. I don't plan to interfere in their assassination attempt but they just had to target me.

Since he just gave me a tracker, it means he doesn't plan to do something for now.

That gave me the confidence to act nonchalant about them.

For the tracker, I ignored it since I don't know how to remove it. Asking the natives here will put a strain on our 'powerful' Identity.

It'll disappear automatically after leaving this world anyway.

[Hajime: RIP for the Assassins, out of everyone..they just had to target the guildmaster.]

[Tony: RIP to that poor fella]

[Rimuru: We'll deal with the assassins before they target the Guildmaster.]

[Kakashi: You go have fun, we'll deal with the assassins.]

[Infinity: That was always been my plan.]

[Hajime: Truly the Guildmaster!, not giving a damn even when he got targeted. Those Assassins are not worth the attention, they're blind for targeting the Guildmaster!]

[Infinity: Stop bootlicking, that assassin is lurking around Josh while 3 suspicious-looking people are eyeing Justine.]

I said after looking around Rimuru in the Livestream.

3rd POV

Ash managed to slip into a place that gives a view of the Prince's location with a dessert in hand, eating happily while lowering his presence as much as possible.

He is standing on a balcony on the second floor, with a view that shows everything.

There are a lot of strong people in his location so it'll be hard to attack him since the cultivators around Ash will most likely protect him..he's a special guest of the Royals after all.

Unfortunately, he can't go invisible without his robe.

Those observing him earlier already gave up after seeing him just eating while those around him just paid a little attention.

Kakashi went to Josh who was eating with the military personnel.

Since he has the teleportation talisman, he can teleport immediately to Justine's table if something went wrong.

As for Josh, he's literally surrounded by military men. Kakashi just needs to block the first wave of attack and buy time for the others to react, he also doesn't need the necklace to detect Killing's intent since his instinct gained from combats is equally strong.

The difference between him and the military men is that he is used to ambushes since he is a ninja while the military men often..most of the time, fight head-on..tricks such as poison and ambushes were looked down on by them making them prone to ambushes.

Their Senses also dulled without any war, reducing their guard towards their surroundings.

If not for their strong cultivation and the assessment, some of them might start gaining fat.

Every 6 months, the King will conduct an assessment and those who regressed in strength will get punished.

This is also the moment their rank increases if they improved a lot or get demoted if someone surpassed their strength since the positions are limited.