Chapter 17

"Are you going to kill him?" I asked

"n-no!" he immediately said.

"Then there is no problem"

"This is not how it works! and how can you believe me so easily? what if I'm lying?" he said with black lines forming on his forehead.

"Are you lying?"


"Everything's good then"

"that does- never mind..won't he get angry at you for telling me this?"

"would you tell him?"

"yo- sighh"

"Don't worry too much, those things aren't useful if no one can do it besides, he doesn't dare get angry at me?" I said, believing in my image as a god for the guild members, but then..there's a time you get angry at a god for some misfortunes you experienced.

"You got a lot of sure they won't betray you?" he asked with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm 100% sure they won't, I can ask them later if they dare betray me," I said confidently..joining my Guild is their luck, they won't even think of leaving.

"Don't ask everything you want to know, that's too'll cause you trouble sooner or later," he said

"Guessing the answers by myself is troublesome, why not just ask directly"

"That makes sense but the problem is you believe them immediately"

"I don't"

"You just did a while ago"

"I believed that you didn't lie, I trust my institution," I said

"You can't always trust it"

"I know but I'm sure on this one."

"well.." he suddenly got quiet...I looked at him and saw him blushing and scratching his head.

"Are you embarrassed?" I teased

"I'm not! anyway, that feminine man was about to leave..focus on him."

"Idiot! Don't stare so obviously or he'll notice it. They are about to conduct their plan, just watch the show."

"I'm not obvious!"

"Yes you are, don't you think staring at him while he's going downstairs is not obvious?"

"He won't notice it."

"But others might! Maybe, another assassin?'"

"How do you monitor him then?"

"Just monitor the Princes, it'll look more normal."

"He's moving to Justine!"

"I know, the real target must be Justine..there are more assassins around him when it's supposed to be Josh's..since he's around known strong people, the assassination of Josh is just a decoy," I said in courtesy of the system who just said it a second ago.

"Really?" He asked which I ignored.

[Infinity: The target is Justine, Josh is a decoy..they'll attack Josh to keep the military busy while a bunch of assassins attack Justine. They are about to commence the attempt, get ready.]

[Kakashi: Alright!]

[Rimuru: I'm always ready!]

[Ace: Once they attack, I'll hack them all.]

[Infinity: Do it, go into Josh's location, they'll attack in the middle or they will have a hard time commencing their escape plan.]

[Hermione: What if they escape together with the one that'll be attacking Josh?]

[Tony: They won't, it will be easy to track them if they did that..they will escape separately.]

I saw Kakashi put down his book and stand up, it alerted Josh and the other two beside him so they also stood up and went to Kakashi to ask when assassins suddenly attacked.

Justine's group are going into the middle, seemingly going to his brother's location on the opposite side.

When they are in the middle, 4 people suddenly dashed towards each targeting Rimuru, Ace, and 2 on Justine.

Ace used his armament haki to his sword and used brute force to hack them while using observation haki to determine the assassin's move, Rimuru just used his thread and tied up all the assassins..2 manage to evade the first thread but failed at the 2nd was already prepared.

Rimuru didn't forget to put a ball of thread in their mouth for possible suicide attempts.

"That's easy," I said

3 more assassins showed up, this time..targeting the threads to free their buddies while watching for Rimuru's movement.

Ace waved his sword with fire accompanying it to solve them together, 2 manage to jump away but Rimuru took that chance to send water blades which they evaded while in the air but Rimiru sent another thread behind the blades to tie them up, they got caught since mobility on air is limited..evading the water blades already took their momentum. Kakashi appeared at their landing place, preparing to paralyze them.

This is easy! Like playing with a child.

I saw another 2 assassins running away towards the main door with the panicking people, giving up the assassination.

As for Josh's side, 6 assassins attacked together 3 were blocked by Kakashi and two wooden clones while the other 3 were blocked by Josh and the two beside him.

Kakashi's clone manage to hold back 2 assassins till the others reacted..the clones were dispelled and two new men faced the assassins while Kakashi already paralysed the assassin he was fighting, he then immediately teleported to Justine's side to paralyze the assassins in case they committed suicide. That poison is surely useful.

All of this from the moment the assassins attacked to the moment they got incapacitated happened in an instant, with no flashy fight or any suspense at all.

[Infinity: Kakashi, 2 assassins are escaping towards the main door..they're mingling with the guests..teleport to the left side of the door, one of them will pass there..he is wearing white and looked feminine, he's easy to identify.]

Rimuru is checking the Livestream at this time and saw my comment, he told it Kakashi.

Kakashi teleported on the door just when the feminine man was about to pass, Kakashi manage to put a cut on him since he got surprised by Kakashi's sudden appearance...feminine man was paralysed and thrown by Kakashi towards the middle of the hall, the assassin is tough enough not to die by that throw.

On Josh's side, one assassin took a break and did some hand signs before talking, the one he's fighting is stupid enough to let him do it..he's the one who put a tracker on me, after talking. I saw one of the escaping assassins change ways.

The Tracking Assassin then tried to escape but got caught up by Josh..the other 4 lose and committed suicide. Josh knocked off the escaping assassin to stop him from suicide.

Those military men are dumb, doesn't mean they don't use poison..others don't too.

Suicide after getting captured is common for professional assassins.

These Assassins are also stupid, did they underestimate everyone? Josh's side alone overwhelmed them..are they planning to sacrifice themselves from the start?