Chapter 24

"Let's see who's next..." I said while looking at them, all of them except the ones I already mentioned had anticipation all over their face.

"Justine and Josh, I don't have anything to say since you belong to an origin World" their face became disappointed because of that.

{They're going to get an assassination attempt 1 month and 3 days later}

'How did you know?'

{I have my ways}

'and you're going to tell me that'

{Pay for the corresponding information you wanted}

'nevermind then'

"well there is actually, in 1 month and 3 days...another assassination will happen," I said which excites them first then an annoyed expression. They must be a survivor of multiple assassination attempts so that they don't get scared anymore.

"Getting 3 assassination attempts less than 1 and a half month, Assassins are so free nowadays," Justine said

"How about the captured assassins? did you get anything out of their mouth?" I asked, Justine, looked at Josh.

"Nothing...they take every chance to commit suicide, one succeeded by biting his tongue to almost getting cut off completely and choking in his blood...we took precaution and tied them into the wall but one succeeded in killing himself by banging his head repeatedly on the wall till it bleeds and dies of blood loss and a, they're guarded 24/7...the one who trained them is good, they're ready to throw their lives to hide their employer...we already have a guest where this assassin came from but we can't touch them, people only employ assassins there...they don't care who's the target, they only care about the payment which is pretty high than the average but the assassins are guaranteed to be professionals...they've been brainwashed by that organisation, they are also careful so I can't understand why they sent weak assassins for us" Josh reported.

"They are probably enough for you, because of us...they didn't have enough time to show their cards, they have been taken down too quickly," I said...the underground prisons have an array that prevents everyone, including the Royals in using qi unless necessary...they'll need to activate something to let themselves but not the enemy use qi.

"Hajime, have you already met that Loli vampire?" I asked Hajime this time.

"No" he answered

"I'll take her as my staff in my shop, tell me if you did," I said

"ok.." he replied.

"Guildmaster, you like Lolis?" Hajime

"no, I just feel it'll be good if she's the one welcoming my customers," I said.

"I guess so."

"Tomioka, did you already meet the human-demon siblings? Tanjiro and Nezuko." I asked

"yes, 1 year and 10 months ago" he replied

"so he's about to finish his training? Tanjiro and Nezuko are the Protagonists in your world, with 2 more friends...Zenitsu and Inosuke. I don't know much about you." I said

"Hahaha, you're not a protagonist!" Tony laugh

"It's fine, that's good since there won't be much trouble coming for me...getting kidnapped doesn't sound good," he said back, breaking Tony's enthusiasm.

"Rimuru, tell me if you already met the ogres"


"Alright! breakfast over! Josh and Justine, you've already decided where to place the mark right?"

"Yes, I want mine on my right collarbone... half a finger size," Justine said

"left side of my neck, a little closer to the nape...half a finger size," Josh said while pointing at that part.

I put it fast without teasing them like Kakashi but Justine still blushed.

"Why do I feel my hair got softer?" Hajime

"well I feel my fat decrease" Tony

Because of what they said, the others started looking if there was any change in them.


{Foods cooked by you would give various effects depending on how much you helped, as a Deva...every movement of yours can influence the laws, that's why instead of teleporting you into a different world to were given a pocket Dimension instead or some dynamics might change in that world like some mutations to accommodate you.}

"My chakra increased a little" Kakashi

"My realm barrier got loose." Justine

"Same" Josh

"My skin is smoother" Tomioka

"..." everyone

"foods made by me will have various effects, this is normal" I explained then teleported to my room.

I changed into the clothes the King gave to me since it'll more appropriate in the ninja world than my robe.

'Can't I transfer the Invisibility into this one? I'll wear this more often if I go out here.'

{40 coins}

'Do it'

{Okeydokey, pleasure doing business with you}

"Let's go Kakashi, you made them go to the training ground at should go now, you still need to visit the memorial," I said

Kakashi just nodded and left here

'System, use the world ticket to Kakashi's World'

I felt that weird pulling sensation again then I realised I'm 1 meter beside Kakashi.

'Do we get teleported when using World Ticket close to my members originally or this is an exemption?'

{Only Guild members will teleport close to another member when teleporting into their world, others are random or depend on the world Identity they bought.}

I looked around and it's the same place in the anime where the stone memorial is located, he already went here before entering the Pocket Dimension huh.

"You enjoy your time first, I'll meet the kids first...which direction are they in?" I said

"There, about 50 meters away," he said while pointing at our left side...I just nodded and run towards that location. I can run faster than a normal human since my bloodline unsealing, about 50 MPH, it'll increase as I cultivate.

When I started seeing their silhouette, I started slowing down till I'm just walking normally. They're on a bridge.

All of them are eyes closed, and I have no presence in the first place so they didn't even notice me.

I went to the spot Kakashi called them in the anime.

I first opened the Livestream and it was Tomioka who first entered it than Tony...then the others did at the same time.