Chapter 10: Entering a new world

Arc:The Return

 As I said to my father ...I'm leaving as sooner as I can and I did with those people .I can not realized how I suddenly saw myself in a completely different place.  

In front of the Old man's house . Jason and his friends arrived ready to take part in the adventure.

Master Valko with a deceptive smile :"I don't know what happend to you suddenly ,but since you made up your mind...I'll be glad to take you there ."

The four talking to themselves:"Who knows what is he hiding behind this smile."

Master:"Now, why did you two came?"

Tom:"We will not move from here ..where Jason goes, we're going with him."

Nichole:"So please don't force us to return ."

Jason proudly:"You two!"

Master seriously:"I'm warning you , the place that you are visiting is not safe ....things that you will never face It in your world don't regret this later you will judge It yourself ."

Jason:"We are going."

Christene:"Are we able to come bake whenever we want..I mean I don't think my version can handle my disappearance."

Master :"You will after we find the appropriate way , cause my spell might not work ."

Jason:"And you're saying this now."

Marissa:"Relax ,your version looks just like you ."

Nichole:"I'm not happy about this."

Master:"Greed, aren't you finished packing up yet?"

Greed, carrying bags of clothes and shoes:"We are taking lots of things Master."

Master:"How can't you be so exited to see my grand daughter's pretty smile ."

Marissa:"Let's get there then."

Master:"You are certainly right, stand in a circle and look to the sky with your eyes closed , hold each others hands ...come on don't be shy."

As they all followed The Master's orders he says loudly :"By the seventh color and through the sky ...underneath the stars to a distant horizon ,let us see the world from a different path. .finding a way to a magical land .. Teleport Magic. "

With his high tone little by little , the dark clouds begin to gather , the thunder sound accompanied by the  lightning beam has created a path for our friends to enter a entirely different place. A violet colored sunlight descends down into the circle they formed ,then it reflected towards the Master . He stretches out his arms , the light reflected again back to the sky and forming a quadrilateral shape . In a few seconds the sky became clear and the shape of light disappeared. 


Alanazia in Marsal city.

Jason, lying on the ground while his eyes are closed:"This smell....the smell of flowers ."

"Acehooo," he sneez.

Jason:" What is this place?"

Nichole:"Amazing ,  flowers  all around us."

Greed:"We full in a flower field."

Jason annoyed :"Acehooo, let us get out of here."

Nichole :"Really , how did we get here?"

Master Valko:"I used a special magic called Worlds Teleport Magic, It creates a passage by a rainbow color .The light falls to find a Magic circle to fall in and once it does it reflects to the person who summoned the light , then it reflects again to the sky ,you were about to lose your eyes If you thought of opening them."

Tom:"Jesus, that was close."

Marissa:"Okay, If you are done , can you help me with these bags."

Jason:"Yeah, and move from here ...these flowers disgust me ."

Christene:"I did not meet anyone that's more embarrassing then you..Flowers are beautiful"

Jason:"Those are just a colored paper with thorns."

Christene:"You've never changed , I'm taking my words back."

"Hey, you there, what are you doing in my beauty field."

The field owner gets out of his house angry and made our friends ran out quickly . The field was a little far from a city called Marsal . The city is characterized by a large number of  treatment magic users with various and plenty of fields. There was a rising hill overlooking the city where they stode up there  .

Marissa:"Where we go now Master?"

Master:"To the headuarters of course." 

Greed:"Home sweet home, what are you fools staring at?"

To Be Contenued.....