Arc:The Temple.
Thanks for the music Golden Kingdom
Did you ever catch a feeling of all the things that occur to you might be just a dream?....A dream that you want to wake up from ?
( A knocking sound )
Christene opens the door:"What now?"
Jason talks to himself , standing with Nichole and Tom:"I can't stand her behavior ."
Nichole :"Actually, there are no more rooms left for us, we were wondering if we could ..."
Christene:"I said no."
Nichole :"Waite , let me tell you what happened ."
A while ago, The three were looking for a room to stay in after their celebration.
Jason asks Nicholas: "Can we sleep here?"
Nicholas:"Well, I want to help you ,but, I'm a bit busy ."
Nichole asks gently:"Hi Yuno, can we sleep here for one night ?"
Yuno as she opens her room which was full of clothes:"Ummm, I hate you too, however, Jason can sleep here ."
Jason :"No it's okay, I don't want to bother you ."
Tom :"You're popular here ,especially with little girls."
Nichole:"There is only one option ."
Nichole after she explained what happened:"So, will you let us in ?'
Christene:"It's not mine anyways."
Tom, jumps towards the bed:"Finally a bed."
Christene , throwing a pillow to him:"Stay and Nichole will sleep in the bed , you two sleep on the ground ..You can take those. "
Tom:"Yeas, pillow war."
Nichole:"No, it isn't...Jason is already asleep?!"
After three hours of quiet sleep, Jason began snoring keeping his friends awake.
The next morning , Marissa greets them:"Hora, you've finally awoken .. what's with you three ,looking too pale ؟"
Nichole points at Jason:"You...It's because of you."
Tom adds:"We couldn't sleep with your annoying snore."
Christene:"Talking about an alarm."
Jason:"I was tired and there is someone who did not let us in ."
Nicholas:"hurry up, you need to find a job to pay last night rent."
Tom:"It wasn't free?!"
Nicholas:"Of course not....Move on Greed"
Greed spit out the water and said:"Oy...I'm not going , I just came from a long journey, you ca..."
Nicholas pulls Greed:"Come on , there is no time."
Their new stop point was in a small area called the Job Show Zone . This region is found in all Alnazia where a huge signboard placed in the middle . The board is divided into three sections Bronze, includes normal jobs like chief,doctor or cleaner workers earns about 6000 Zent . The Silver section includes dangerous jobs that 75% might threaten your life ,such as capturing burglars or a personal guard where workers get more than 7500 Zent. Golden section , jobs that extend for years and threaten 99% of your life like joining the army ,wheter in the Frontlines ,espionage or protectors and workers get more than 9500 Zent .
Nicholas:"Let's see what is in the Silver section."
Nichole:"But , those are missions that threaten our lives?"
Jason enthusiastically and staring at the board:"Let's do it."
Tom and Nichole looked at him with surprising eyes.
Christene:"Which one should we choose?"
Tom cries:"You too?! both are mad!"
Nicholas:"This one seems appropriate , check it Greed."
Greed reads the ads:"Capture three road blockers in the cloud Forest for 7600 Zent , why not ."
Nicholas:"Alright , let's go."
At the time , in the capital Zentral at the king's main hall. A horrifying aura came out of three Redeyes , one their knees waiting for the king's orders .
One of them said:"Sorry your majesty, the mission has failed because of me ..I understated my defense."
The king:"It's alright Diana, I'm glad that you're okay. "
" I still think that If I were there , we would've gotten something. "
The king:"If you were there , It would have been slow as your habit , Guy ."
Francisco:" We will never disappoint you again your Majesty."
The king , calmly:"For now , I need you to check up on something ."
The three on their knees:" Sure , your Majesty ."
Our friend now in a vehicle heading to where the road blockers were last seen .
Greed, angrily :"Heck, they stole the medicines ."
Nicholas , who was sitting beside Greed driving the vehicle:"Don't be upset, we know now that they passed from here."
Tom inside the vehicle :"Why did you agree for ths mission? "
Nichole added as she closes the white book :"Do you want to test your strength maybe?"
Jason :"To convey this is one of the things ,but, there is someone I did not expect him to accompany us from the beginning ..What exactly happened? ...And since when you wear gloves?"
He said , looking at Christene....She raised her head ,looking at him while reading a book ,then she looked at her book again ignoring his question.
Jason madly:" Don't you dare ignore me."
As he speaks the vehicle suddenly stopped , so he gets his head out of the vehicle tent and asks Greed:"Hey, why did you?.....They disappeared !?"
Jason gets out and calls :"Nicholas,Dwarf , where are you?...(speaks to himself) What's going on?"
Then the rest came out too, searching for them in the middle of the road .
Tom:"Well, at least we can get back with the wagon."
While he said that , the vehicle sped away from them .
Christene, asking Jason:"So. what shall we do?"
Jason:"Why are you asking me."
" Cause you drag us into this ."
"You are making this up ."
" You were passionate about this mission."
"You were passionate as much as I was."
Three strangers appeared from the top and spread dust all over them .
"Come on, we do not have time for this."
To Be Continued.....