Chapter 29: The Legendary Team

Arc: The Magic Championship .

The Battle land , was not like it seems . , it was all green and restful . The unbelievable magical  creatures walking by us . I remember seeing a Griffin flying above us while we were heading to the twins house , what a spectacular view that was !

At the twins average size home away from the crowds of the games . The team was sitting on a wooden , modest dining table as Lasto and her mother host their guests after explaining the misunderstanding that happened earlier . 

Ms. Sharman , offers some tea: " There you go, and I apologize instead of these two . " 

Marissa :" It is alright , no need to apologize . "

Mr. Sharman enters with Farsto :"Is that true , the legendary guard are here , in my house ?!"

Ms. Sharman : " Calm down ,honey . "

Farsto , comes and sits beside his sister:" Is this suppose to be  exciting ? !"

Master Valko : "Hello Mr. Sharman ."

Mr. Sharman:" Hi Ya , old man, how is it going , I see you gathered a lot of brave youths ." 

Master Valko  :"Hahaha!, they are still children . "

Farsto whispers to Lasto :"Hi, Lasto, why did you bring them here?.. Do You know who they are ? "

Lasto :" Yeah, Lasto knows ."

Farsto :" Then way ?!" 

Lasto :" To get more candy ." 

Farsto :" How is that ."

Lasto confidently : " You see , after all the 12 guards be together , we will restore the kingdom ,then Lasto will have a prize then get more candy . "

Farsto : " We discussed this, we are not helping people who despise us ." 

Lasto with a serious look on her eyes : "What if there are people who have faith  in us ?" 

Ms. Sharman : " Hi , you two , what are you blabbering about ? "

The Twins : " Sorry! "

Ayami: " How old are you ?"

Farsto proudly : " We are 16 , what we look younger aren't we ? "

Jason: "Haaa, you're dwarfer then the dwarf ."

Farsto and Greed : " You wanna fight me ?"

Mr. Sharman : " It is a magic that change our appearance , it is easier to live here as dwarfs with all the magical creatures around . "

Tom : " That's so cool, you can appear as a girl and sneak into their rooms , even more you ca..." 

Nichole , smashed his head on the table :" Pervert ! "

Ms. Sharman : "You young people are bursting with energy , though your generation will have to face a tough road ... your fathers and mothers weren't able to finish the hard job . "

Mr. Sharman : " Young people like you shouldn't go out and fight the Redeyes . "

Jason : "No matter how curl this world is , we young man must overcome those challenges . If we didn't do that then who else would ." 

Mr. Sharman: " You have your father's determination ."

Jason turns red : " ohh! "

Farsto : " Count us out , me and Lasto are out of this ."

Ayami , pulling his cheeks  : " Oh ,you are so snobbish little boy . " 

Farsto angerly : " S..T..STOP! "

Ayami :" Christine , his hair is soft ."

Christine touches his hair :" You are right ."

Farsto screams :" OK!, that's enough , treating me like that won't change my mind , right Lasto ." 

Marissa gives Lasto candies : " Do you like some more ?" 

Lasto and her mouth full of sweets : " Yeas please . " 

Farsto : " !! "

Zeke:" Come on , surrender to your faith ." 

Farsto : " Joining people  without a normal mind thinking , hah. "

The team were shocked and felt disappointed.  As Greed pulls his sleeves and jumps on the table to punch him while Jason, Zeke and Tom stopping him . 

Greed screams : " I'll show you , you banana peel . "

Then Farsto continues with himself : " Lasto give me an idea , I'll use them and let them accompany me in the magic championship .

Farsto , leans on the chair and stretches his legs on the table : " Let's make a deal , proof to me how powerful you guys are and join me in the magic championship . "

Master Valko :" If we won , you two shall join the trip ." 

Jason :"Hold on a sec ."

Zeke:" Don't go along with him ."

Master Valko: " Jason , Greed , Zeke , Ayami and Christine , be ready ."

Ayami: " Excuse me ."

Tom: " luckily we don't have ..."

Farsto : " They aren't  enough . "

Master Valko :" Then , Marissa , Tom and Nichole . "

Marissa : " Am I in this ?!" 

Farsto : " Let's see what you can do ." 

Ms. Sharman hits Farsto's legs with a scoop :" Stop bragging and get your legs off my table . " 


21 years ago at the Sharman's house in the battle land , Ms. Sharman coming downstairs  in a harry to meet a friend after a long absence . 

Ms. Sharman is speeding from the second floor : " Is he certainly here , float guardian ? "

On the last stairs, she stopped in a minute , then rushed to her friend garbing his hand gently and said with worries as her hand shivering no stope :" You are really alright is you've disappeared suddenly to no where and never heard any news from you it possible that you're still made about what I and float guardian said , that we want to form a family , are you....."

Mr. Sharman (Float Guardian): " Wait a minute , vision guardian , take a deep breath ."

She took a deep enough breath of  her time to calm herself down , as the dragon protector holds her hands softly . 

Dragon Protector , smiling at her with his blue eyes , looking at her with  love:" I've  caused you  lots of worriedness, I'm sorry ."

Ms. Sharman as she wipes here tears and hits his arm joking : " You should've written letters to tell us your fain ."

She turns to the magnate guardian who is standing beside the door: " The same goes to you ." 

Magnate Guardian moves his head away:" It's the leader's orders ."

Mr. Sharman :" Did you find any information about the fire guardian place ?"

Dragon protector:" Listen to me all of you ...the fire guardian got married and left the magic world ."

Get into a rut , the earth guardian while he throttles a man and leaning him on the wall with his strength . 

Earth guardian:" What are you eavesdropping too, human ?"

Dragon protector calmly :" Waite, he is with me ."

Earth guardian , increases his fist :" And why a despicable human being  accompanying you , captain ?"

Dragon Protector:" He is the one who told me where the fire guardian is ."

The earth guardian hesitates in a moment then, he released the man . 

The man coughs: "  Cough Cough ... my name is Roy Erlic and yes I'm a human , I used to live in the fire clan when I arrived to this world . " 

Earth guardian: " Fire clan!?....she returned to the clan !? "

Ms. Sharman:" I've noticed her change recently , but reaching to this !"

Magnate guardian: " Who else is left for now , flexibility got married as well , our forces will get  weaken in this vein. 

Earth guardian : At this time ... When the unrest  atmosphere is increasing in the capital . "

Dragon protector : " Practice . "

Mr. Sharman confused :" Practice ?! "

Dragon protector : " There is nothing else except practicing ,let's plant the memory of our training in the minds of the next generation. I can only do this , the turmoil is still unclear and who is behind it and I don't know when it is going to be clear for us , floater guardian and vision guardian , I gave you my permeation to form a family , the same goes to all . " 

Magnate guardian irritated : " Captain , you're aware of what's gonna happen then , most of our force will be transferred to our children . "

Dragon protector : " Our generation won't last in this situation ...I was a fool , who would then give birth to the next generation if we died ? ...We must do that , promise me you would follow my orders . " 

The guardians remain salience after what they heard  from their captain that they honor him , since with just one word from him , was enough to convince them to follow his lead . 

The guards replay : " Understood ." 


The next morning , a bit far from the residential areas , near the  brown wheat farms where Tom was practicing his speed using his shoe while Nichole was measuring his speed. 

Nichole shouting to Tom : " It is 22 minutes and 45 second for one around , come on one more around . "

Tom approaches to Lasto who was sitting watching them :" Alright, just let me have a cupcake ."

Lasto moves the cupcake from him : No, you have to stay in shape . "

Nichole calls :" Hurry up Tom , I need to practice too . " 

Marissa talks to the Master : " They are all working hard for the championship ."

Master: " They must win ."

Christine ,who was turning on throwing multiple knives at  a target that she hanged it on a tree,  then she asked Arsh : " Tell me Arsh.... How can I shoot a fire with my knife ? "

Arsh ( Tanto ): " Try focusing on a certain point on your hand and gather the magic ,then link it with the weapon . "

Christine : " Easier said than done . " 

Ms. Sharman : " I suggest you do that after you drink this . "

Christine : " Oh , no , I'm not drinking anything with that color . " 

Ms. Sharman : " Hahaha! , your mother used to nag about this drink all the time , it contains an especial herb named  Echinacea herb which reduces the body's  temperature . As a fire user you must not cause a burn in your body. " 

Christine : " What you think about my mother ?"

Ms. Sharman : " She is totally different from you , she was so cheerful and hilariously funny , she was serious when it comes to fighting time , we all loved her , I miss her delicious pie , though she have changed suddenly . She became bleak for some reason , when one day she left and never came back . "

Christine : " Sorry . "

Ms. Sharman :" Never mind ,dear , you have the right to ask ...Now drink it . "

Christine :" I couldn't change your mind ha ."

At the same time , Jason was practicing to punch a boxing bag hangs on a tree with thick branches. 

Jason , counting number of punches with his dragon arm : " 96, 97, 98, 99 and 100 ." 

Jason throws himself on the green grass relaxing after an ample effort from training . 

Mr. Sharman : " Are you really using magic ?! "

Jason : " I won't argue  you for saying that , cause I myself unfamiliar of whether I can release the dragon flames ... The Master wants me to split this boxing bag into half , but the bag is huge and thick . " 

Mr. Sharman : " Use your claws , not your fist . " 

Jason looks at his gloves : " Drago you.." 

Mr. Sharman : " Roy tried to punch that bag once , and injured himself . " 

Jason shocked :" By seeing Roy , you mean ?"

Mr. Sharman :" Yes , Roy Erlic , he was a loyal friend, even though he  spends a little time with us. Perhaps you don't know anything about the dragon protector , even if you lived your life in the kingdom . You and your mother were living far from his sight , he didn't want you to bear the burden of experimenting the Redeyes , it is funny that he didn't give you a name until you reached five years young . " 

Jason : " I have chosen this path of my own will and I'm not regretting it . "

When he finished speaking, his white claws came out and his scales emerged to release a white flame from his skin. Then he scratched the bag with his force , showing three scratch marks that illuminated white with his flame causing a noise in which the rest gathered to him. 

Master Valko , proudly : " Not bad . "

Tom: " Job well done ."

Zeke : " You never stop surprising me . "

Jason as he increases his fist happily : " The way is still far ... Oy Farsto , We are defiantly gonna win your precious cup . "

Farsto as he leaves : " Do what you want . " 

Then he says to himself , looking at his footsteps : " It was just a scratch , what a monster ! " 

Mr. Sharman : " My advice was beneficial . " 

Jason : " Yes , think yo..."

Jason falls on the ground tired , then he holds his head and said to himself : " That's strange , I feel like I did this several times before . " 

Mr. Sharman , talking to himself :" Yes , You'll figure out that soon , your father's hard training were moved to you . " 

Ms. Sharman : " Our practice,  were not in vain ." 

To Be Continued ....