55. Return

After resting for a few minutes, Ben gets out of the house and climbs to its roof. Then he runs and jumps on the city rooftops while spreading his magic sense.

He knows the girls' magic signature, so he will find them easily. Ben finds them while they watch a dance performance.

"Ben!" Bella notices him coming and fly to Ben. Ben catch Bella and rub her head then put her on his head.

"Did you have fun?" asks Ben.

"Yeah," the girls answer together.

"That's good then. Do you want to do something after this?" asks Ben.

"We want to see fireworks. Aunty Lisa said that it will be the festival's main event and it looks really pretty," says Wendy.

"Fireworks? If it's the main event, then won't it be held at midnight? Can you really stay awake until midnight?" asks Ben unsurely.

The girls answer together, "We can."

Ben just sighs and lets the girls do what they want. Ben join the girls and Aunty Lisa to walk around. They try some foods, buy some interesting things and obviously enjoy the festival.

Hours passed and it's almost midnight now. The firework will starts soon, so people now stop what they do and wait for it. Ben's group now sits on a rooftop to get a better view.

Surprisingly, the girls are still awake even with some difficulties. Wendy sits on Ben's lap while nodding off, but still, keeps herself awake. Bella and Carla sit on Wendy's lap while nodding off too.

Then suddenly the first firework is shot and explode. The girls wake up instantly and look at the sky. The fireworks start to get shot in the sky in high quantity and many colors.

"Wow, so pretty," says Wendy.

The girls smile happily when they see the fireworks that cover the dark sky. They never see something like this and get very happy. Ben also smiles because it's been a long time since he enjoy a firework festival like this.

The firework festival finished after 15 minutes. Ben smile and call the girls to return to Joseph's residence. He calls them, but no one of the girls answers him. So he checks on them and finds out that they've fallen asleep.

"Sigh, they're forcing themselves too much to stay awake," says Ben.

"Well, they've waited for this event all day. So they're very excited to watch this event," says Lisa.

Ben smile & rub Wendy's hair. He's glad that they enjoy this trip to Capital Crocus. He really should take them on a trip every once in a while.

This trip to the Capital is very fruitful for them. He gets the runner-up position in the race, he met a Dragon that can help him even though it's just a remnant, and the girls like their trip very much.

Ben then carries Wendy in front of him and puts Bella & Carla on Wendy's stomach. Then they return to Joseph's residence to sleep before return to the village tomorrow.

The next day, Ben & the girls bid their farewell to Joseph & Lisa after breakfast. They will return to their village now so the others won't be worried.

Ben & co leave the Capital Crocus with many souvenirs that they've bought. Lisa also gave them more items, so now their car's trunk and back seat are full.

"Ben nii-san, where did you go yesterday?" asks Wendy

"To the mountain on the north of Capital Crocus. I sensed something strange there, so I checked it. Then, I found this," says Ben while taking out the Dragon Lacrima from his pocket.

Carla raised an eyebrow and asks, "A red lacrima crystal? Is that it?"

"This is not just any lacrima, this is a Dragon Lacrima. A Lacrima filled with a Dragon's power that can grant someone the Dragon's magic. In another word, this lacrima can make someone into a Dragon Slayer," says Ben.

The girls are surprised by this and widen their eyes. They never know that they can get a Dragon Slayer Magic from a crystal and not by learning it through a real Dragon.

Ben doesn't tell them more details like that this method using Dragon Lacrima doesn't have the risk of Dragonization. They don't know that there is such risk, and they don't need to know it.

Wendy is already fine with Grandeney sleep in her body. So she won't turn into a dragon at all, unlike him who still has that risk. It will just scare her if she knows about such risk.

They arrive in the village in 2 hours and go to the guildhall immediately to meet Roubaul. They report what they've done & got yesterday, including the Dragon Lacrima.

"What should I do with this, Gramps?" asks Ben.

"You can save it for the future. You never know when you will need it. We can use it on a weapon to use its magic, but I'm not sure if even mithril can hold the heat," says Roubaul while analyzing the lacrima.

"I think you're right. I'm sure that a Heat Dragon can reach my level of heat and even higher than that. His power is the heat itself, not me who can only use the heat of the sun," says Ben.

"Yeah, but if he is looking up at your Dragon parent that much, it means his heat couldn't reach the Sun Dragon's heat. So I think his heat is far higher than yours but lower than Sun Dragon Escanor. Possibly around the Sun's surface temperature or the middle section, while Escanor could use the Sun's core temperature," says Roubaul.

Roubaul's theory sounds possible and makes sense for Ben. The Dragons are like human mages, they have varying levels of power. Some are stronger than others, while some are weaker.

Smog is clearly weaker than Escanor who was titled as Ancient Dragon God. That's why AI Chip doesn't recommend Ben to use Smog's Dragon Lacrima.

It has a lower potential than the power that he got from Escanor. So it won't help him, and will just disturb his progress. He just needs to focus on his Sun Dragon Slayer Magic.

Even Smog said that Escanor is an Ancient Dragon God. That means he is one of the strongest Dragons in the past and his potential is top tier. No need to add another power because this is enough.

"I will teach you spatial magic to keep that lacrima safely. It is a spatial magic spell where you can keep anything inside as long as you have enough room. Only you can have access to that spatial pocket," says Roubaul.

"Oh, that's a good idea. It will be useful if I need to keep the stuff that I find," says Ben.

Roubaul teach Ben the spatial pocket magic that day. It's not easy for Ben to learn a new type of magic. But he likes to learn a new thing and keep training it.

He learn the spatial pocket in 4 days and only have 1 m3 room in his pocket. It's small and can only store a few things, but it's enough for now. He can make it bigger as he uses this magic longer and understands it more.

After learning the spatial magic, Ben decided to train one of the Sun's powers that he hasn't learned, gravity. His heat, fire, and light elements that formed his sun's plasma have reached a bottleneck.

So he can't raise their power fast enough now. He thinks that it's because he leave the sun's gravity power and only trained the other power. So now he will start to train it and strengthen his Sun Dragon Slayer Magic.


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