59. Easy Wins

The 2nd day of the battle exam has started. Ben also heard the S-Class is plotting something against them and warn his students. They all aren't discouraged and even get more fired up.

There will be 3 rounds in today's match. The first one is to decide the top 32 from 64 students. The 2nd round will decide the top 16, and the last round is to decide the top 8 for the quarter final.

Tomorrow, they will hold the Quarter Final, Semifinal, 3rd position match, and Grand Final. That's why the students need to manage their energy for 3 matches today & tomorrow. But they still need to prioritize winning or they won't even need to use the saved energy.

The tournament started in all 4 arenas. 2 of Ben's students will fight now. They're Hans who uses Illusion Magic and Gea who use bubble magic. Hans is facing an S-Class student, while Gea faces a C-Class student.

There will be no problem in Gea's match as her opponent is clearly weaker than her. But Hans' opponent is quite a trouble because the S-Class students are up to no good.

Hans & Gea are walking to the arena calmly with full confidence. They know that their training for months with Ben & Raul will not disappoint them. They will win their battles and show the others that they're not useless.

The matches start and all eyes go to Hans' battle. His opponent is a boy who keeps smiling sinisterly since the beginning. He even also keeps cracking his neck & knuckles on the arena.

"Hans, long time no see," says the boy while smiling sinisterly.

"Yeah, it's been more than a year since we talk, Rowan," says Hans.

"Heh, you seem braver now," says Rowan.

"I am not the same with me in the past," says Hans.

Ben watches this and asks, "They know each other?"

"Yeah, Rowan was bullying Hans before we become students. He & his friends often beat Hans together," says Ron.

"Hmm, then Hans needs to end their problem now to move forward," says Ben.

While Hans & Rowan are talking, Gea has started her battle. She creates some basketball-sized bubbles to surround her opponent. Her opponent is a boy who looks scared of her.

He tries to dodge the bubbles, but then his shoulder touch a bubble and pops it. The popped bubble creates an air explosion. Then it creates a chain reaction and pops the other bubbles they create explosions too.

The explosions hit the boy multiple times and make him fly around because of the impacts. The referee moves fast and saves the boy before he gets bad injuries. Then the referee announce Gea's victory.

Hans sees Gea's fast win and decides to start his fight too. Rowan also thinks the same and immediately uses his magic. Rowan makes a brown magic circle under his feet and then a lot of sands appear.

Rowan then shoots many sand bullets at Hans. Hans doesn't move and just waits for the sand bullets. Rowan grins, but then he freeze when his bullets passed through Hans' body.

"What the-" Rowan can't finish his words because he suddenly feels a big pain in his stomach.

Hans suddenly appears in front of him and punches Rowan with all his strength. Hans' punch is really strong for his peers, as Ben has trained all his students in physical strength.

Rowan flung back and roll on the ground until he hit the arena's barrier. He coughs some blood and gape for air while looking at Hans in disbelief.

"Y-you, but how? You were there a moment ago. You are there even now," Rowan point at 'Hans' who stands on the other side.

Rowan widen his eyes when 'Hans' disappeared slowly. The one that Rowan attacked was just an illusion that Hans created. Hans created it stealthily while he talked with Rowan.

"It's the end, Rowan," says Hans.

After Hans said that, Rowan suddenly see some wild beasts are running toward him. He knows they're illusions, but he can't help but get very scared. Then when the wild beasts jump at him, Rowan faint.

Ben & Raul smiles while the S-Class teacher fume in rage. Rowan isn't the best in S-Class, but he is still an S-Class student. Losing from an E-Class student is really an embarrassment.

"Defeating his old enemy will be a good step for Hans to move on. It will lift a lot of weight from his shoulder," says Ben.

"That S-Class student can use strong magic, but his usage of that magic is not good. What's their teacher taught in this 1 year actually?" asks Carla.

"He taught them how to fight every once in a while, but it's just light sparring. They aren't experienced with real battles like our class, so their judgement and battle senses are low. Sparring is a lot different from a real battle, after all," says Raul.

"Sigh, then they aren't ready to take most of the jobs in Guilds," says Carla.

Hans & Gea return and their friends are congratulating them happily. Their class has the lowest amount of students, so they are close to each other. The other classes have 30 students, except the S-Class with 20 students.

The tournament continues and now it's Mina's turn. She'll also fight with an S-Class student. Her opponent is a girl who looks calm and composed. She doesn't seem to hate the E-Class students like her classmates.

"I'm sorry for my classmates' behavior. They're very arrogant with their power and looked down on other classes. All of them are very childish, even our teacher," says the girl.

Mina is stunned and take moment before she says, "You're very direct and honest with your words."

"This is how I am. Besides, I know your class will be strong when I found out that he teaches you," says the girl while smiling and looking at Ben.

"You know Ben nii-san?" asks Mina.

"Yes, I am the Mayor's daughter, and my father often hires him for some jobs that our men couldn't take. He always succeed and finished his jobs fast. He is a great mage and my father trusts him very much," says the girl.

"Woah, he never failed? As I thought of Ben nii-san," says Mina.

"Honestly, I'm very jealous of you. If I could, I will join the E-Class. But too bad, I know him quite late," says the girl.

"It's okay, maybe we can talk about it sometime later. I'm Mina, what's your name?" asks Mina.

"Rose, nice to meet you," says Rose.

"Nice to meet you too, Rose," says Mina.

Rose & Mina end their talk and start their battle. They use their magic and prepare to attack. Mina transforms into a wolf, while Rose creates a lot of red flower petals.

Rose sends the petals to attack Mina and force her to dodge. The petals hit the floor and damage it a little. They have some power even though they're small.

"Is that Flower Magic?" asks Wendy

"I think it's Plant Magic, but it seems she only uses rose, maybe to match her name. But it also means she can make thorned vines," says Ben.

Ben is right, because a moment later, Rose create some thorned vines. The vines move to attack Mina who is dodging the petals in her wolf form. Mina sees the vines coming and dodge right on time.

Then Mina transforms into an Armadillo now. She then roll herself and move toward Rose like that. She dodges the petals & vines while rolling.

Then when Mina reaches Rose, she transforms into a big snake. Mina bind Rose with her long body and makes Rose can't move. Rose can't move to make any magic at all, so she gives up and Mina wins.

In the next matches, the E-Class students also win easily. They can win easily even when they fight with S-Class students. Their experience are very different, after all.

Ben smile & says, "It seems we will win this tournament."


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